Author Archives: Richard Graham

Mingle Colours

For any of you who have been in my workshops you’re unlikely to forget “The Mingle Game.” Ninja Tip: Β Choose a different verb instead of “mingle” every time you play it to keep it fresh!Β  And Setareh has just sent in a really great bonus idea… 1. Β Do the mingle game as usual. 2. Β The…

Amazing Cooking Projects!

Kamila & Margit have been at it again! First Kamila’s kids, via Youtube, Β sent this recipe, in English, Β for Polish soup: To which Margit’s kids watched the video in Japan and made the soup themselves! (Margit, you have to stop talking so much in class! πŸ™‚ ) Then…. Margit’s kids took a Japanese curry recipe…

Mother’s Day Poster!

Brits already had their Mother’s Day in March, Β so please do excuse the American spelling …..   Happy Mother’s Day!

New Game: May I borrow your mmmmm….

Stationery seems to be quite a popular lesson at this time of year. Margit just sent in another great video of her kids playing a game for the May I borrow your …? lesson.   1. Each kid has to get a set of four of one card e.g. 4 pens, 4 books etc. Β (Minicards…

How much teacher talk time should there be in class?

Mark wrote in to ask: Hi Richard! In an ESL/TOEFL/IELTS speaking class, how does the teacher get the student to speak more? Β  I mean, I read somewhere where it said that this type of class should be 30% speaking belonging to the teacher and 70% speaking for the student. I find myself in the…

Happy Star Wars Day!

It’s Star Wars Day today, Β and with all the excitement of Episode 7 (plus this week’s Big Bang Theory!) Β here’s just a few of the many, many ways Star Wars has influenced Genki English …. Star Wars Light Saber Battle Game – my best game for practising directions and left & right. Teaching Teenagers –…