Author Archives: Richard Graham

New Game: Thatโ€™s a rabbit!

Thank you to everyone who got their Europe workshop tickets purchased yesterday – we are going to have an awesome time and do let me know if you have any special requests of things you’d like to see!ย  And …ย here’s Mido’s game of the week – enjoy! 1. Before the lesson draw a big picture…

The Town Musicians of Bremen!

Ever since the huge success of the Gingerbread Man songย we’ve been trying to find another simple, traditional story to Genki up and ย let you combine lots of themes together. Ninja Tip: ย These work *wonders* for parent’s day presentations! Margit came up with this amazing one based on the Grimm Brother’s story … The Bremen Town…

Get Your Workshop Payment In – Discounts End April 30th!

UPDATE: ย And these workshops have all finished. ย Thank you to everyone who came and joined us!   Just a friendly warning that the discounted prices for the workshops in Italy, Slovakia & Ukraine run out on April 30th. From then on the workshop prices go up considerably – so do get your payments in ASAP…

Is it OK for parents to watch the class?

Hugo wrote in to ask if it’s OK if parents want to watch their kids’ lessons. There’s a great thread with everyone’s answers over on the VIP forumย (some great ideas there)ย , and my answer was … Hi Hugo, The answer is a definite, Yes, Yes, Yes! Be totally transparent and let the parents come whenever…

Help Please: Whatโ€™s for (healthy) lunch?

I need your help again – I hope it’s OK! It always pays to go to teachers’ groups and meetings as you pick up so many new ideas. One very cool idea I picked up from Craig at the ACET meeting this week was to use the question: What’s for lunch? in the warm ups….

Higher / Lower Numbers Game

A nice easy game to round out the week courtesy of Leen in Tokyo: 1. Divide the class into two groups. 2. One kid from each kid comes to the front. 3. ย The teacher shows a number (1-60 or any range)ย ย to the class without showing it to the 2 at the front. 4. ย The teacher…