Author Archives: Richard Graham

Tricks & Tips for Teaching Songs

I originally wrote this for my teacher training course emails, but I figured you guys might like it too! – Richard ======================================================================= Hello, Wow, it seems like the How are you? Song was a *big* hit. I’m so happy you liked it. Today I thought I’d introduce a few “secret” tricks for teaching using songs….

The new “Eigo Note” is here: “Hi friends!”

(This one is just of interest for those of you in Japan – unless of course you are outside Japan and want to see what the government comes up with over here!) As you probably know the “Eigo Note” elementary school “textbook” is being phased out. The new replacement has just started being delivered to…

New Game: Super Egg!

Mido’s back! Today he’s got another cool counting game, perfect for Easter! 1. On the board draw two big eggs and divide them into 6 segmentsΒ numbered 1 through 6. 2. Divide the class into two teams. 3. Ask the students a question using/based on today’s English (e.g. Is it in the …. ) 4. First…

Quick Homework Recap & Upside Down Classroom

Hello, If you’re preparing for the new term ( or school year) Β here’s a quick recap of the different homeworks you can set with Genki English. 1. Β No Homework: If you don’t give homework, then fair enough, GE does work well without it! πŸ™‚ Or if you want to take things up a level ……..

New Song: Possessive Pronouns “Whose is it?”

Hi Guys, As you might have heard I’m in the studio this week, and here’s a brand new song for you!Β This time it’s for words such as mine, yours, his, hers etc. Β  As usual VIP Members can download it for free until it becomes a CD. And here’s a video of the song from…

Kids doing shapes & *How Many* Turtles??

Frank has just sent in this great video of his kids doing the shapes song in China: Ironically of course, you can’t actually see Youtube in China! But I’m sure everyone is jealous of Frank’s classroom! And Lucky in Hong Kong just posted this great photo with the Do you have any brothers or sisters?…