Author Archives: Richard Graham

Kids doing shapes & *How Many* Turtles??

Frank has just sent in this great video of his kids doing the shapes song in China: Ironically of course, you can’t actually see Youtube in China! But I’m sure everyone is jealous of Frank’s classroom! And Lucky in Hong Kong just posted this great photo with the Do you have any brothers or sisters?…

Prizes & Addiction: Give them or not?

One of the great “Should I? Shouldn’t I?”s of teaching is whether to give out prizes or not. Personally I tend not to. Although passports can be a great idea for long term classes. But if you do give out prizes, then something you might want to consider is the addiction element of *randomness*. With…

Help Please: What do you think of these new Disco Warm Ups?

I hope you’re having a * FANTASTIC * time with all the new materials! Today I have a special request … Along with some very talented people I’m currently working on new graphic/animation remixes for some of the songs. And it would really help if you could let me know if you think we’re going…

Updated Phonics & No More Foxy Phonics!

Whilst I was over in Tanzania I got to work with Janet Townend who is a leading expert on dyslexia, reading and also, as it happens, phonics. After giving it the thumbs up she very kindly looked over the Genki Phonics programme and made a few suggestions and improvements. Β There’s nothing major, but quite a…

Help Please! Which New Stationery (pens, books etc,) Song?

I’m getting lots of requests for a stationery theme, pens, books, pencils, rulers etc. There is Β an “Uno style” card game with this vocab, but of course we all need a song too! So, which phrase do *you* teach with the vocab? I’m thinking maybe … Do you have a book? Yes, yes I do….

New Game: Footwalker

This is an incredibly simple game, but it works so well! 1. Put the kids into two groups. 2. Each group has a cut out set of feet on the board. 3. Ask the kids a question about/using today’s English. 4. The team that answers correctly first gets to move their feet one foot width…