Author Archives: Richard Graham

Genki English & College Kids

A lot of teachers think that Genki English songs are just for grade school (years 1 to 12) kids. But just look at the all the comments my latest track has got on Youtube. This is so addictive..! ๐Ÿ˜€ ย Great way to๏ปฟ learn! (25 thumbs up!) This made me laugh ๐Ÿ™‚ great๏ปฟ i love it….

Top 3 ways to reward *great* teachers

Thanks for all the great comments on the post the other day – it is so good to hear from so many really great teachers. It’s often easy to get caught up in the bad side of government schools (“Bad teachers can’t be fired” etc. ) but it’s always better to “criticise by creating” ย and…

Teaching Retired People English

Helen wrote in asking: Hello again Richard, I’ve started teaching an elderly person English who has a good understanding but is a bit timid . Any ideas! ย I can’t really see her doing the disco warm-up!!! Many thanks Here’s my reply: From what I’ve experienced, retirees tend to fall into two camps, one are the…

Bill Gates & Seth Godin on Why School is Broken

School is broken and we need to change it. ย That’s what Genki English is all about. Instead of “sit down, shut up” we needย questions as the curriculum, instead of “chalk and talk” we needย songs & games, we needย positive rules and generally more “Genki” – meaning “energetic”, “exciting” and “full of life” – energy into class….

Spider Preposition A4 Cards

Hello, Today I have some brand new A4 prepositions cards for you. They go with the “Where is the spider?” lesson. Enjoy! P.S. ย Regulars may know what’s coming soon ….. ๐Ÿ˜‰ ย  ย Non regulars might want to pick up a Download Pack ASAP…

Typhoon, Taiwan & The Winner is ….

News 1: ย As you may have seen on TV, Shikoku island, where the Genki English office and warehouse are, was hit over the weekend by the big typhoon. ย Luckily though we’re way on the other side so everything is back to normal today and we’ll be back to sending out your orders this afternoon. I…