Author Archives: Richard Graham

Ooo… look what I’ve got!

Pretty cool eh! (Apologies for the iphone wonkiness) The actual physical, hold-in-your-hand CD version of vol. 11 has just arrived! Until now I’ve been giving CD10 away as a special bonus with the Teacher’s Sets. Β That offer has now sadly finished Β , and you have to pay for CD 10. πŸ™ But …. now, from…

Combat Shyness with These Simple Tips – Video

Nigel very kindly uploaded this video from Saturday’s workshop. I talk about, and show, how you can use the presentation part of the Treasure Adventure lesson to start overcoming student shyness. It’s packed full of questions and hopefully lots of ideas for you. Β It’s 15 minutes so grab a cup of (ice) tea and enjoy….

Cool Down your Classroom with this Chilly Tip

One of the cool things about humans and heat is that it’s allΒ psychological. Just as putting one hand in hot water, one hand in cold water then seeing how they feel when you take them out after 5 minutes (the hot water hand will feel cool, the cold water hand will feel warm – even…

Double Play & Triple Play for when you just don’t have time

On last week’s New Board Game post Glenn asked to have snakes and ladders games that only go to 50, for lessons when the kids don’t have time. A really cool way around this (as making lots of new sheets is a * lot * of work πŸ™‚ ) is to say “Today is double…

New Song: Pirates with the Coloured Beards

Here’s a new song for you, “Pirates with the Coloured Beards.” Β A sort of follow on to the Treasure Adventure song but this time to learn colours! UPDATE: Β This song is now on vol. 12! Gaz has also done some A4 pictures for you. Please get commenting and let me know what you think either…

New review board game, what do you think?

Gaz has just come up with this really great board game that you can print once and then use to review dozens of different themes. 1. Put piles of any mini cards you want to review on the red, blue, green and yellow squares of the “card sheet.” 2. Then when you land on one…