Author Archives: Richard Graham

Let’s raise Kids to be Entrepreneurs

Who’s doing the most to change the world? Β Entrepreneurs! Β But why don’t we teach that in school? Thanks to Elizabeth for the video, and have a look at my Why Online Entrepreneurship Β is the Solution to World Poverty article. What would you rather your kids grow up to be?

Shanghai & Korea “Ninja Bootcamps”

Update: Β Thank you everyone for coming to the workshop – you were amazing! Β See where I’ll be next on the schedule page! I’ve had a lot of teachers in Shanghai & Korea asking about a Genki English “Ninja Bootcamp”. Β  As it happens, I’ve got one very close by on the weekend of July 30th…

New Game: Hop Like a Frog

We haven’t had one of Mido’s games for a while, so here you go…. Hop Like a Frog – perfect for younger kids or an end of year review. Β Or even better, take it outside in the sunshine! 1. Spread out lots of flashcards on the floor. 2. Two of the kids stand on one…

2 More Black & White Worksheet Games

Just a couple of quick games to keep you going… Β Black and White islands games for Treasure Adventure and Days of the Week. (See the video here for how to play!) UPDATE: Β Plus a couple of colour ones!

Are these * too * scary?

Seeing as it’s June, and I’m over in Europe this week, of course I’m working on ……… Halloween topics! πŸ™‚ Gaz has just come up with some new “Haunted House” picture cards for the new Halloween Rooms of the House song. But what do you think? Β I’d love to get your feedback – and of…

School Subjects Book

Justice has been working away at his secret laboratory in China to bring you his latest picture book. This time combining school subjects with “because”. Perfect for moving a little step higher!