Author Archives: Richard Graham

Genki English Karuta Game

One popular game for teaching English in Japan is カルタ or “Karuta” In the traditional version the teacher just says a word and the kids hit the correct card. It’s a lot of fun but isn’t very good for teaching English. So in this video I go through some very simple ESL ideas to make…

Discipline: Zig Ziglar

Discipline is one of those topics that people can’t seem to get enough of. Β Quite a few of you have been using some of the ideas we discussed last year to great effect (e.g. here and here and here). Β But what I find most useful is to look outside of teaching to find ways of…

The Beautiful Tree – How the World’s Poorest People Are Educating Themselves

If you’d like to see what I am working on with the India & China projects have a look at this amazing presentation by Professor James Tooley. He’s Β the guru of ourΒ  private schools for the poor, and who I’m very proud to say introduces me as his friend. Grab a cup of tea and…

Who can…? Game

This is a cool game to play with CD9’s “I’m a superhero! I can …” or CD5’s “Can you play the ….?” theme. 1. Give each kid one of the mini cards (e.g.Β here orΒ here) 2. Everyone remembers their card, then hides it! 3. You ask the kids how long it will take to do the…

Rock Band English!

Unless you’ve been living under a rock these past few years you must have heard about the huge success of the “Rock Band” video games. You basically hit coloured instruments in time to pre-recorded music. But they are massive, massive hits with “kids” of all ages. The Beatles even have their own version! So the…

Tokyo Tower & New Zealand Rugby Ball

Thought you might like to see this video of where I was on Saturday night! Β Pretty cool eh? Β If you’re near Tokyo Tower in the next couple of days, be sure to pop along to the Tourism New Zealand Rugby Ball, they have the most amazing show inside! And here’s the people that invited me,…