Author Archives: Richard Graham

CD10 On sale! Dispatch on Monday 26th!

CD Vol. 10 is finally ready to go! We’re getting the big boxes from the factory today and we’ll be sending them out first thing on Monday. It’s a huge opportunity to get some amazing songs for teaching real English like colours or prepositions but with a holiday feel! There won’t be a member’s discount…

Trick or Treat Game for 6th graders!

Here’s a game to play with “too cool to sing” 12 year olds (or older), that gets them wanting to try more …. After you’ve taught the words and gone through theΒ song once… 1. Give each student anΒ A4 picture card. 2. As theΒ song plays if you hear your card you hold it up in the…

Black & White Masks

You asked for them, so here you go,Β black and white versions of the Halloween masks!

Skeleton Body Parts Song!

Here’s a new body parts song for you, just in time (maybe!) for Halloween, featuring the very popular Mr Skeleton. Draw a big bowl on the board, print and cut out theΒ A4 (or larger if you can) skeleton and add the body parts one at a time according to the song. “Body” is included due…

I want to be a …. vampire!

Kids in developed countries can sometimes be far too blasé about the chances and opportunities they have. So let’s get them using their imagination more! 1. First make sure you’ve done theΒ Halloween Song and theTrick or Treat song. 2. Then do theΒ What do you want to be? theme, 3. But then for the game use last…

More Halloween Imagination Worksheets + 124 page Halloween eBook!

Fancy some super Halloween pdf books chock a block full of games and worksheets for teachers or kids? Flossy has just put a great video in the forum of how she makes amazing printed & bound books for her students using theΒ Genki English member’s materials. They really have to be seen to be believed! So…