Author Archives: Richard Graham

I want to be a …. vampire!

Kids in developed countries can sometimes be far too blasé about the chances and opportunities they have. So let’s get them using their imagination more! 1. First make sure you’ve done the Halloween Song and theTrick or Treat song. 2. Then do the What do you want to be? theme, 3. But then for the game use last…

More Halloween Imagination Worksheets + 124 page Halloween eBook!

Fancy some super Halloween pdf books chock a block full of games and worksheets for teachers or kids? Flossy has just put a great video in the forum of how she makes amazing printed & bound books for her students using the Genki English member’s materials. They really have to be seen to be believed! So…

Trick or Treat Clocks Game

Here’s a great game I heard from Nigel at the ACET meeting on Monday which goes great with vol. 10‘s Trick or Treat cards! 1. Put 12 picture cards in a circle. 2. Put a mark or object to assign the “12 o’clock” position. 3. Shout out either one of the cards OR shout out a time….

Funky New Download Menu

UPDATE:   If you haven’t bought the Genki English Download Pack yet and need convincing, here’s a comment I wrote on the iphone thread earlier this week, it applies just as much to buying the Download Pack! If it’s for business (professional)  use then just like anything else there’s just one way to convince yourself…

Halloween Stickers & Bones! + How to print in colour really cheaply

Gaz has been at it again, this time with some very funky Halloween Stickers to go with the Trick or Treat song and worksheets for the Pesky Hound game, which you can find part way down the main Halloween page! As usual these are VIP members (yep all members are now VIPs!) exclusives and if you want to join…

Real English: iPhone makes Video Letters Unbelievably Easy- Even for Non-Techie Teachers

Part 2 of Genki English is getting your kids really talking to kids in other countries. Projects or “video letters” are the way to go. It’s way better than any textbook! The internet makes it free to do (I used to spend a fortune on stamps sending videos overseas!) but some teachers were having problems with…