Author Archives: Richard Graham

Keisen University

These days “university” means to me research and testing the methods we use, how to have control groups, seeing what gets the best results and how to reduce external variables. I often forget that universities also have the undergraduate side, and today was a presentation for such students. Currently one of the biggest problems with…

Sunday Fully Booked

UPDATE: Β This workshops is now finished. Β Thank you to everyone who came – you were awesome! Just to let you know that Sunday’s workshop at Maruzen Tokyo is fully booked. They aren’t accepting any more reservations. If you’ve already reserved then you’ll be fine and I’ll see you there!Β  If you haven’t then you could…

If you teach at uni…

I just popped into Keisen University (恡泉ε₯³ε­¦εœ’倧学) to prepare for tomorrow’s workshop. Β  Some of the student teachers were helping set up the room and as soon as I put up Baby Monkey on the screen, they all went crazy with screams of “kawaii!!!!!” So I guess that’s my hint of the day, if you…

Smartboard for $40!

If you can’t get the free digital whiteboards, how about one for $40? Or even free if you’ve got a Nintendo Wii! You may have seen the buzz around Johnny Lee who has written a free piece of software that let’s you connect your PC to a Nintendo Wii’s controller and then you simply point…

Bye Bye Beijing, Hello Tokyo

By the time you’re reading this I should be on the plane to Tokyo. I’ve got a professional development workshop at Keisen University on Saturday, then a CD signing event at the Maruzen Marunouchi Store on Sunday. The Maruzen event is open to the public, so please pop along. It’s free, I’ll be going through…

Picture Card Pack C Update & Cheap Colour Printing

Today we’ve just started shipping the new updated Laminated, Printed Picture Card Pack C. It now contains A4 cards from the new themes: Trick or Treat, I’m a superhero! I can …, Can you speak…?, Pronouns, Winter Clothes, What do you want to do?, What do you want to be?, What would you like for…