Author Archives: Richard Graham

Genki Chinese Games

I’ve just uploaded 3 new Learn Chinese games for you: I’ve basically done them out of desperation at not finding any fun materials to learn Chinese myself! Even the hallowed Michel Thomas course has been sending me to sleep with the advanced Mandarin.Β  Update: I just figured out that because I bought the ebook version…

Phonics Crash Course

UPDATE: Β Since I wrote this post (and partly because of it) Genki Phonics has now become a full, complete Phonics Course to fulfill all the needs I talk about here! —————————————————————————————————- Today I had an intro workshop for a chain with 600 branches and now quite a few genkified teachers. Afterwards we were chatting and…

CD9 Software Ready to Test!

UPDATE:Β  Thank you very much to everyone who helped test the software!Β  The Beta Test is now closed, but the CD9 Software is now available for everyone to purchase. ——————————————————————————– If you’d like to help me beta test the full CD9 software then it’s ready to go! Here’s the deal…. What you get: * You…

Kindergarten Classes

Today I had a demo workshop for a company who put teachers into kindergartens in Beijing. It was a bit of an experiment to see how the teachers react to Genki English before hopefully introducing the Teachers’ Packs (and maybe even workshops) into the schools. We started off with 21 teachers (as shown here), but…

Beijing British Council & Solving World Poverty(!)

This morning I popped in to see the British Council in Beijing. As usual their offices were beautifully designed, if I was a student I’d want to study in the UK after visiting them! I’ve done workshops for the BC before (including a keynote speech), there’s actually a British Council branded version of the Teacher’s…

Genki Business English

It seems that every day this and last week I’ve been meeting with school chains asking about putting Genki English in their classes. Judging by how classes are taught here (holding up flashcards, getting bored, falling asleep!) and how different Genki English is, I think it could be really huge here. Most of the places…