Author Archives: Richard Graham

Another Xmas Song: Where are the Christmas presents?

Hopefully most of you will be enjoying the Christmas holidays by now. But for those of you who will be teaching until Christmas Day and beyond, here’s another Christmas song to make the time fly by. It goes with the Where are the Christmas presents? picture book, complete with the infamous page 10! The song…

Best MIDI keyboard

As you can tell I’ve been doing quite a bit of writing and recording this month.Β  And part of it is because I’ve just got the best music keyboard controller ever!Β  It’s a novation compact SL 25 Highly recommended if you want to write any music on your computer!

Christmas Markets in Europe

Last year touring round Europe, Christmas Markets were everywhere, from France to Germany, even Luxembourg. I took a break from writing new songs this afternoon and popped along to one of the UK ones. It’s very Christmassy isn’t it!

What colour is Christmas?

This year rather than just use Christmas as an excuse to teach Christmas related English, I’ve also been looking at trying to use some Christmas magic to teach the English we normally teach but in a Christmassy, and hopefully more fun, way. Here’s the first song, “What colour (or color if you prefer!) is Christmas?”…

Gingerbread Snowman Pics & Vids

As you might have seen in the monthly newsletter yesterday, I’ve just uploaded picture cards and mini cards for both the “Let’s build a gingerbread house” and “Let’s build a snowman” themes. Enjoy! And I’ve also put together a mini video for the Gingerbread House song. If you have any friends back home who you…

Magic Whiteboards

I don’t know if you watch the BBC’s “Dragon’s Den” program, where small businesses get investment for original business ideas, but one of the companies featured during the Summer was Magic Whiteboards. They are funky “stick anywhere” sheets of portable white board paper. They’re having a competition at the moment on novel uses of the…