Author Archives: Richard Graham

Snowmen & Gingerbread Houses

Ann sent in a brilliant comment to the “Let’s build a house” theme: Great addition to a gingerbread house making session That’s such a good idea isn’t it! In fact I was so impressed I’ve recorded a Christmas “Gingerbread House” remix of the song to test over on the Beta Test Forum. It fits very…

Cambodia Lunch & French Guiana Breakfast

In last month’s workshop the Cambodia teachers lunchtime project was to photo their school lunch using the XO and then present to the class. Here’s the lesson plan if you’d like to try it. or a Gorgeous French Guiana Breakfast? Over on the forum we’ve been chatting about breakfast videos and Carol, from the comments…

Education Policy and Entrepreneurship for Development

Today I was invited by the University of Newcastle in the UK to give a guest lecture on “Education Policy and Entrepreneurship for Development” for their Masters course in International Development and Education. As an “Education Entrepreneur” I was asked to run through how (i.e. songs, games & projects) & why (because too many schools…

Another new country

Tomorrow is my first Genki English presentation in the UK, and it’s quite strange to be in “travel mode” here as I haven’t the foggiest idea about anything. I know the trains will be late, but how late to expect them to be? Free WiFi and power was a nice thing, but I was quite…

2 New Songs + Imagination

I’m (hopefully)Β  on an aeroplane flying somewhere over Russia at the moment.Β  So today’s blog is just a catch up on the stuff that was in this month’s newsletter in case any of you missed it, or had it spam filtered out! 1. New Pronouns Song This has been quite a hit on the members…


Thank you for all the requests…. if you have a look half way down the right hand “bonus materials” column on about 3/4 of the themes you’ll find 43 new sets of dominoes.Β  If you have the time to print and cut them out they are a great activity.Β  Just pick your favourite theme from…