Author Archives: Richard Graham

Phonics Posters

Lots of people have been asking for a printable version of the Genki Phonics page. So I’ve just uploaded a set of Phonics Posters along with the Phonics “Islands Game” and the Phonics “Snakes & Ladders Game”. The Phonics Page is hugely popular especially in the States at the moment, so all three printables are…

Free Hiragana Worksheets

It’s the turn of the learn Japanese site to get some materials today, this time hiragana worksheets. Each one is split into sections for easy learning and is ready to print.

CD7 Flashcards to buy

You can now buy pre-printed and laminated versions of the CD7 flashcards: (i.e. Breakfast?, Do you have any brothers or sisters?, What time is it? 2, It’s not bad, it’s good!, Can you kick?, Rooms) The cost is 5,500 yen plus post & packing, or you can buy them along with the other cards to…

Spaghetti Worksheets

Here’s another downloadable book of worksheets for you: I used to use these types of worksheets as a listening test all the time. You simply have 8 animals (or famous characters) on the left with 8 answers on the right. You read out 8 sentences and the kids join up the correct animal with the…

Photo Real Flashcards

Here’s something a little different for you, photo real flashcards! I was originally using them as flashcards for the GenkiJapan site, but they looked so good I had ones made up in English as well. Some of the pictures look so good they’d be great on the wall as posters. The idea isn’t to teach…

Islands Games Worksheets

There are quite a few new things in the pipeline at the moment, and here’s the first one to be (just about) finished. They are “Island Games Worksheets” like the animals one found in the worksheet pack. I found that one a touch too simple, but they are popular for younger kids and of course…