Author Archives: Richard Graham

More Snakes & More

A big new update is underway. The biggest change you’ll like (hopefully!) is with the new songs pages. Now instead of just mini cards and the occasional worksheet, you’ll be able to access the A4 cards in pdf format, colour and black & white mini cards, individual lesson plans in English and Japanese plus printable…

Instant Name Worksheet Maker

Here’s a nice tool I found whilst looking around the net for a free D’Nealian font. Instant Name Worksheet Maker! Powered by ESL Writing Wizard Just pop in your students’ names (one at at time of course) and you get a nice worksheet like this:   If you want more writing worksheets, check out the…

Tips for Solving the Obesity Problem

Terrie’s Take has an article this week showing how the worldwide obesity problem has well and truly reached even Japan. I can quite sympathise, during the Winter I get seriously fat from sitting down doing computer work all day. Of course in the Summer it all falls off (well most of it), from doing Genki…

Earworms & Elizabeth Smith

Earworms & Elizabeth Smith As you may have read in the newsletter this month, I’m currently in Portugal. For no particular reason other than it’s the warmest place in Europe at the moment. What it does mean though is that I have to learn Portuguese. Yet another language, and this is one I know absolutely…

Phonics Posters

Lots of people have been asking for a printable version of the Genki Phonics page. So I’ve just uploaded a set of Phonics Posters along with the Phonics “Islands Game” and the Phonics “Snakes & Ladders Game”. The Phonics Page is hugely popular especially in the States at the moment, so all three printables are…

Free Hiragana Worksheets

It’s the turn of the learn Japanese site to get some materials today, this time hiragana worksheets. Each one is split into sections for easy learning and is ready to print.