Author Archives: Richard Graham

What are the benefits of using songs in English language classes?

Over in one of my teaching groups a student was doing research and was asking for teachers’ views on using songs in the classroom. Β  As you can tell I’ve done quite a bit on this topic over the years, Β so here are my answers which I thought you might find useful! 1. What are…

If you’re wanting a little extra teacher training this summer …

I won’t be having any live workshops this summer but if you’re wanting to build on your teaching skills then I’d highly recommend my Teacher Training Academy videos. These were originally part of my $2000 real time academy where we coveredΒ Β Quick Wins, Discipline, The W Fundamentals, My Classes in Action, Making a Curriculum & Lesson…

Final tests ! How to do them with songs and games ??

On last week’s coaching call Beatriz wrote in to ask: Final tests ! How to do them with songs and games ?? Great question, thank you for writing it up Beatriz! OK, this is going to be long, it’s probably worth a read, but you can skip to the end part if you like! First…

Does she like ..? / Does he like …? Remix!

  On yesterday’s Q&A call (well worth a listen!) Julie asked about a “Does she / Does he” version of the “Do you like…?” lessons. It’s always great to get requests so I tried it for the “Do you like animals?” lesson and I think it worked out quite well! Β (Sometimes they do work out…

I’m sorry! Workbook & Worksheets!

Oops, I didn’t upload the “I’m sorry” magazine/workbook correctly! Β  I’m sorry πŸ™‚ You can find it along with all the other Magazine style Workbooks on theΒ VIP Printables Page for teachersΒ and for kids it’s in the Teachable page.Β  If you need more doing for the other themes then let me know in the comments! Be…

Top Fan Coaching Q&A Session Replays!

This month was another great call covering lots of things from Martial Arts to Picture Books to the Japanese art of “Maruku!” We do these Facebook lives a couple of times per year and then every month we have the private VIP Zoom calls for everyone who has the VIP Teacher’s Set Superpack! Hope to…