Author Archives: Richard Graham

Is there Genki English for Advanced (C1/C2) Level Students too? Oh yes, there is!

In this morning’s online coffee chat the teachers were asking about how to teach advanced C1/C2 level students. Β They were really looking for something as good as Genki English but for their advanced level students. Well, there is something, it’s Advanced, C1/C2 level, Genki English Β πŸ™‚ I’ve been running the program for quite a few…

Why it’s great we live in a “Karate” and not a “World Cup” world!

One of the great things about learning English, teaching English or even setting up a small English school is that everyone wins. It’s not like professional sports or the soccer world cup where only one team can win. Instead we work in a world where, just like Karate, if you put the work in, everyone…

There are 8 Billion people in the world. You only need 100.

One of the interesting things that came up last week was a lot of teachers thinking that 100 students is an almost impossible feat. Β  They built it up in their head by overthinking everything they can’t do. The correct way to start, of course, Β is to get out of your head by asking as…

How to teach English Q&A Replay!

Hello, If you missed Friday’s Top Fan Q&A session, Β here’s the replay. Β Grab a coffee and enjoy! Some of what we cover: πŸ¦„Β Why you are a unicorn ( and what that means!) How the Japanese concept of “Ikigai” can help you as an English teacher How to get more students online Group lessons vs 1…

New Vol. 15 Flashcards & Workbooks

We’re working on the new Vol. 15 Lesson Plans. Β  Β For now VIPs can enjoy the A4 Flashcards … The mini cards… And workbooks ….   Until October 31st vol. 15 is included free with the Teacher’s Set!Β Β  Enjoy!

How to Add Genki English to the iPad Screen like an App!

Quite a few teachers have asked if we can get the Genki English Online onto the kids’ home screen so they can just click on it like an app. No problem! Β This is how you do it …. Step One: Β The students login in to their student account at and go to the main…