Author Archives: Richard Graham

Okinawa Day 3, the task fills the time

No matter how many times I do these “jissen” ( where the teachers teach ) workshops I always have a sinking feeling part way through that the teachers will never make it and we’ll end up finishing with them even more confused than where we started. But luckily every time ( so far!) we get…

Okinawa Day 2 + Lesson Plans

Even though I have a very small class of teachers today it seemed to take quite a long time to work through 2 themes each. I think it probably had a lot to do with having a mixed class of elementary school teachers ( who the course is aimed at) and private school teachers who…

Okinawa crash & Simpleology

Luckily I flew in to Okinawa yesterday, so avoided the big explosion at the airport this morning. This week I’m teaching a three and a half day certificated course for J-Shine. So today we had plenty of time for problem solving and Q&As. I also tried out an idea I got from the “Next Internet…

You’re welcome!

There’s lots of good stuff going on over in the CD Owners Club forum at the moment, we’d love to have you join us!

Curriculum: Save time!

Japanese elementary school teachers are always saying they are busy. They have lots of stuff to do and far too much paperwork. So it always comes as a shock when I hear teachers saying they have to make to make their own English curriculum. “Wow, you must have so much time free! How long does…

New Cats & Dogs

Today we have a couple of new pics for the Do you like animals? theme. They’re testing very well, so I’ll probably officially put them in the theme by next week. But what do you think, do you prefer the old or new ones?