Author Archives: Richard Graham

Where is Baby Monkey? Rooms game

One of the best things I like about Genki English is that as soon as I put up a comment on the Where is Baby Monkey? page that I don’t have a suitable game yet, people keep telling me about some great suggestions! The best one was from Cesar and the Okinawa group last week,…

New CD7 $12 Download

If you can’t wait till Monday to get your hands on the new themes, I’ve just updated the Download Pack to include the all new CD7 songs. And if you are a CD Owners Club member you can also buy the download of the new songs, as opposed to ordering the CD. ( I was…

Tokyo JET ( Japan Exchange & Teaching) Conference

Most of the content of today was as the 2007 Kobe Recontracting Conference, but I did make a few changes. First of all we started off with the new Genki Disco Warm Up, that went down really well, it looks so good with so many people dancing in unison! Then for the German song (…

A4 Magic & Okinawa

First up today is a request for A4 versions of the Magic Corner cards. I had a lot of feedback this weekend that it works great in class except that only half the kids can see the pictures! So now all the kids can see what’s going on. Apparently it’s also good for 6th graders…

CD7, it’s here!

Here’s some big news for you, CD7 is ready and on the website! If you’re a CD Set Owner you can download all the funky new flashcards and minicards, and get a very nice discount when you order the new CD! You can also get the CD without post and packing by adding it to…

Okinawa Bootcamp

Had the first Okinawa Genki English Bootcamp in Nago City today. 40 people attended which was amazing for a Sunday and although doing everything in English & Japanese did take up quite a lot of time it was a very nice day. Thanks to everyone for joining in ! Here’s most of what we did:…