Author Archives: Richard Graham

Naughty Kids

One big difference between workshops in Europe and Asia is that in Europe there are often more requests for “keeping the kids under control” type ideas. Once you get the warm up right most kids keep under control for a period of at least a year, but of course you need to keep coming up…

Genki English in Cologne, Germany

Now I’ve done quite a lot of international workshops it’s a lot less stressful not having to worry about what things to present and what things will go down well. As long as I start slow, take plenty of questions and do lots of the songs & games pretty much everything seems to work great!…

How much is it, Mr Wolf? + School subjects

I’m supposed to be in Germany today, but with all the typhoon like winds and cancelled flights in Europe at the moment I’ve suddenly found a spare day, which means I can also update the blog! Reader Dawna sent me an email yesterday. She sent in a very nice idea of using the Mr Wolf…

English Urawaza

A couple of years ago I wrote a motivation book to get learners geared up and totally enthused about getting really good at English. Basically that’s what I spend all my time in Japan doing and it was great to get it down on paper. Last year a few publishers were asking about it, but…

Winter Clothes

As you may have guessed from this morning’s newsletter, “Winter Clothes” is the big new topic for the month. I didn’t manage to get the song completed in time, but there are some nice game ideas along with A4 cards, minicards, the picture book and a very nice online game. It’s a nice intro into…

For your students

With over 8,000 people a day on the site, quite a few of them are students. But if you’re not into teaching, then finding the stuff that’s useful for you i.e. all the online games etc., is quite difficult. So I’ve just put a “for students” link at the top of the English and Japanese…