
Now I’ve done quite a lot of international workshops it’s a lot less stressful not having to worry about what things to present and what things will go down well. As long as I start slow, take plenty of questions and do lots of the songs & games pretty much everything seems to work great!

Today’s group of teachers were from the ELTA-Rhine group and were fantastic. In the first few minutes we had quite a few “Oh my goodness, what on Earth is this?” type of expressions on people’s faces as they realised how much moving up and down there would be, but by the end of it I could move back and just left everyone to get on with things as they were indeed nicely genkified!

Last year near Hamburg was also great, and one of the teachers today came all the way from Frankfurt. Next year it would be very nice to do a tour of all of Germany! The teachers are great, the materials work so well and there are so many great cities to visit here. If anyone could help set some workshops up I’d love to hear from you!

Content wise it was a basic 3 hour introduction, mainly based on the “What would you like to see today?” question posed in the string game. Then we went into What’s your name? ( I would have loved to do the Genki German version, but English was the request of the day!). Then How are you? and How are you Monster game?. Do you have any pets? came up to show how to introduce new language in a game form ( this time sticky fingers), rather than having to pre-teach it. Then the Balloon game in the alphabet race version and shiritori versions.

After the break we had a request for the Good Morning song, then Left & Right and Thank you song to finish with.

We covered most of the Online Workshop Videos, but as is often the case in Europe the teachers were not only wanting activities but were also asking lots of great questions.

Overall though it was a great day. I’m really happy that Genki English works so well in Europe, both with the language content and the activities, and the songs seem so universal. There are quite a few teaching systems around over here, but Genki English is pretty different to say the least! A lot of the teachers were also pleasantly surprised that I haven’t done it as a “you can only use this if you pay a huge monthly fee” system. All you need is the Teacher’s Set and a little enthusiasm and off you go! This may be a little stupid on my part, but getting the word out there is the main thing I want to achieve.

And thank you everyone so much for today. You were a great group and you made me feel very welcome. Email me anytime you have any questions or have things I can help with. And if anyone else in Germany, Europe, or anywhere else in the World for that matter, can get a group of teachers together for a workshop you won’t regret it! Just drop me a line and we’ll work something out.

PS. All the lesson plans are online, but if you want something to print out and read, have a look at the booklet I did for the Hamburg workshop last year!

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiโ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!