Author Archives: Richard Graham

Halloween Links & Software

I had an email this morning asking for the Halloween links that everyone sent in last year, so I’ve put them on the Halloween Ideas page ( down at the bottom). And I’ll also list them here: I’ve also put links from the main menu to all the Halloween…

Akita – 3 Days, 9 Schools, 1400 kids & Shoe Size

Wow, that’s the end of the 3 days of schools here! And today’s were all brilliant. It’s so much of a difference when everything is set up right and the teachers help out without having to be asked. I could go on to do a dozen more schools if they were all that good! The…

Akita – Bad, Good, Good, Newspaper and hospital

I need to write a book, and it will be really simple. “If you want your kids to have a good education, you have to have a good head teacher at their school.” I’ve visited however many hundreds of schools now and you can tell straight away what the kids will be like from the…

Akita – Cold, but great schools!

Usually I have a big stigma about going to schools when it’s so cold, and I’ve think I’ve figured out why. Today was actually really nice, waking up in a warm hotel with breakfast, but I guess my mind keeps thinking back to the days of the GenkiMobile ( the 1975 VW Campervan used in…

Akita – The complete set!

That’s it, I’m now in Akita which means I’ve now set foot in every single prefecture in Japan! Yeah!! Mind you I didn’t nearly make it as they kept the plane circling for ages, because of …. snow!! Which is quite funny as this morning I was in a t-shirt in Kyushu! Over the next…

Language teaching in the UK

I noticed on one of the mailing lists today that the UK Department of Education have just put their “Key Stage 2 Framework for languages” online. It should give you some ideas for planning your own lessons/curriculum.