Author Archives: Richard Graham

Off to Nagasaki

Day off? Not much chance of that! Spent this morning on the phone organising stuff and the rest of the day trying to do the new catalogue designs. This year I’ll also be at the AJET Info Fair at the Tokyo orientations, and I’ll need 3,000 of them in English! Which means they have to…


I don’t know what it is with July but today was also fully booked, with extra people turning up. At one point it looked like we might have to turn people away ( because of the fire regulations), but in the end it worked out just OK. Today was a funny gig as it was…

Tokyo – Whatever…

Today was another gig for the bookstore Maruzen. Recently these bookstore events haven’t been quite as good as they should, but the boss of the store is a cool guy so I offered to present, and as it happened it was completely booked up with people being turned away! So I was expecting a top…

Two Times

I seem to have spent a lot of this week not only producing new stuff ( look out for the new “Under the Sea” theme next week), but also sorting out Summer workshops. And one of the cool things is that many of them are the second time to visit and the teachers are wanting…

Star Wars & Well Cool Lightsabers

I am really, really, really busy….. but if I have to take a break then for Star Wars I can make an exception! It was the 3rd time to see Episode III and it just keeps getting better and better! This time the cinema was with the new Dolby EX and wow, it sounds fantastic,…

Video is fun

Sometimes I don’t know how I keep all this together, being a publisher and author plus touring is not an easy job! I guess the fact that I’m still working in a coffee shop at 11PM on a Friday night has something to do with it! Got the newsletter sent out this week, and I’ve…