Author Archives: Richard Graham

Flying Lessons!

A couple of years ago I was half joking that with all the flights I pay for within Japan it would be cheaper to buy my own plane! ( Actually some months it probably would be true). But anyway today was my day off and my Mum and brother wanted a day out before I…

Star Wars

I do need to get back on the road! Seeing all the VE day celebrations and stuff really brought back the importance of what we do here, education is the cure to most of the World’s problems and it has to be fun and relevant for kids. The thing is that that’s not always that…

Ready for another tour

I hope you had a nice Golden Week ( the big Japanese holiday of the year). Seeing as I was in Milan I popped across to Venice for a few days which was nice. Now it’s all back to work and it looks like I’m going to be spending the rest of this year on…

I want to live in Italy!

Like the past couple of days, work started at 7AM today, which thanks to jet lag isn’t too bad! Then everything was finished by lunchtime. Now if this was Japan it would be “oh, finished your work? Do some more!”, but here it’s “got all your work done? Right, that’s it for the day!”. I…

Buongiorno from Italy!

These last few weeks have been hectic to say the least! I’ve just spent the last few days in Ehime getting everything ready for the CD5 launch. The new worksheets look really good, we’ve just changed printers and they’ve done a cool job. And over the weekend it was packing up all the CD5 orders….

CD5 is ready to go!!

It’s taken a lot of work but CD5 is finally up on the site! Yeah! Today I uploaded the new lesson plans, picture cards ( all 100 of them!) and got the site all ready to take pre-orders. Going through and changing every mention of the “4CD Set” to be “5 CD Set” was quite…