Author Archives: Richard Graham


It was an absolutely gorgeous day today, perfect weather. And as luck would have it I was heading off to Shikoku, great! The bus ride was quite nice, I got a lot of work done, then to settle into the hotel that will be home for the next 5 days. In the evening I had…

Nellie’s, loads of card games

Today was another model presentation, brilliant. I did the same contents as last week in Tokyo ( What’s your name?, then the Teaching Guide Video, then some Genki Phonics ( the CD quizzes proved popular!), mingle, the Genki card game and finished with the Halloween song) And they just loved it! In fact they loved…

New Tracks and Osaka

Had a deadline to send a couple of demos off to my publisher today. I already had one recorded and planned on doing another. But whilst playing around I came up with a really cool idea for another song, so just sat down and produced it! Yeah! So I sent all three off, let’s see…

Sample Libraries & Google Desktop

Took the morning off today ( as I won’t get much holiday this week). Then in the afternoon went out to Yodobashi Camera, where they have a massive selection of sound libraries. Now that I have a decent computer I’m like a kid in a toy store with all these great sample banks I want!!…


I was in a good mood today and after playing around with the synths and stuff in 15 minutes 3 really cool songs just popped into my head – excellent! But ideas are no good in my head, I’ve got to get them recorded. I started off with Cubase, but it is just far too…

Nice computer

Things have been going a lot better today, it’s nice to be able to breath. I also got all my music gear set up and it’s fun being able to jam around and play all these funky new sounds – great!!! I also had a load of business stuff to do, and all the emails…