Author Archives: Richard Graham

More stuff for the site

Today was clearing up all the loose ends before I head off to Hong Kong this week. First up was finishing off the game software for the MEXT pilot school, there are now quite a lot of pilot IT schools who use GE, I should maybe think about doing workshops for them! Then I did…

Back to basics

Today I attended a presentation by Tom Merner, who has done a lot of work with elementary school English activities. Tom is really on the ball, is a great bloke, really knows his stuff and gave a great presentation. He started off by going through the guidelines. And he was very much focussing on the…

Big website update

Got a lot of new stuff on the website today. Including the new “Classroom English / Classroom Japanese” page. I added in the Japanese and also put the Japanese in Roman letters which should hopefully help out new ALTs. I would have certainly loved something like this when I was a JET! I also put…

You learn something new everyday

I learnt quite a lot today! Today’s school was a bit special and quite secret ( you’ll notice it’s not on the schedule) because for the last 2 years they’ve had one of the other Elementary School experts helping their school out. I was quite surprised to find that the head of that particular publisher…

Stormy & Classroom English

The weather is very strange recently, today was a full on electrical storm with lightning going everywhere! I also had a splitting headache so after my laptop’s battery died I went for a lie down. I woke up in the afternoon and felt a lot more genki so got to work on the Classroom English…

Show, workshop, Classroom English

As it’s back to term time now teachers only have time for workshops after classes have finished. Which is good as that means I can do some stuff with the kids beforehand to show the teachers just how well the songs and ideas work in practice. I usually do this by getting all the kids…