Author Archives: Richard Graham

Questions: How we solved one of the biggest English teaching questions!

When I first started teaching English, one of the biggest problems was that kids knew lots of words but couldn’t actually use them. Β  Β They’d answer if the teacher asked but they couldn’t ask any questions in English themselves. Β (Even though kids *Love* asking questions and we know that questions are the key to good…

Feel what it’s like as a student with Christmas Genki French Song!

Teaching Genki English is one thing but learning this way is a whole other ball game! And today you can experience what it feels like yourself withΒ Virginie’s Genki French version ofΒ “What does Santa do?” Β  (The Genki English version is here) How does the song make you feel as a student? Β Excited? Bored? Wanting to…

The Gingerbread Man Song Now on Youtube!

Some big news today, the Genki Gingerbread Man Song is now on Youtube! If you could pop over to Youtube and have a play it would be fantastic! Fingers crossed, if we can get lots & lots of views it will mean I can spend less time getting the word out about Genki English and…

All the Genki English PDF Skit / Story / Picture Books in one place!

UPDATE: Β All of these books can be used as skits, plays, stories & “kamishibai” too! As well as writing a dozen published hardback books, I’ve also written nearly 30 more digital picture books to go with the Genki English curriculum. These books are designed as a “reward” as the language is so simple that after…

A new Christmas Picture Book for you – which version do you prefer?

Inspired by my neice and helped by my daughter I’ve just done a new Christmas Picture Book for you! Which version do you prefer, Β the regular version: – Baby Monkey’s Christmas Presents pdfΒ  Or the Easy “No Maths” version? – Baby Monkey’s Christmas Presents Easy No Maths Mix pdfΒ  Do let me know and I…

πŸŽ„ Wow – So Many Amazing Christmas Materials For Free!

A lot of people are really shocked when they see how many amazing free materials we have over on the Genki Christmas page. The printables are VIP only, but the free items include so many Christmas games and also some of the best Genki Christmas songs! Try them out in your class and you’ll very…