Author Archives: Richard Graham

πŸŽƒ New: Halloween Songs Added to the GEMS Mobile Songs

I just added most of the non-too-scary Genki Halloween songs to the GEMS course for your students!Β  They’re not too scary are they? Β Β  Β

πŸŽƒ How I read Picture Books with “Happy Halloween”

Yes, it’s totally over the top. Β Yes, it’s for kids. Β And yes, this is how you get the way better accents for your students. πŸ™‚ The question is, is this too scary for the GEMS course? You can find the picture book pdf on the lesson plan page,Β the other Genki English Halloween lessons you can…

How to Control Your Energy & the Energy of Your Class

Being “Genki” is all about energy. Β “Genki” literally means “fun” “exciting” and “full of life”. Ninja Tip: Β To explain to adults, if you’ve had ten beers you’re probably not feeling very genki. Β If you’veΒ just hadΒ the best day of your life, you’re probably feeling very genki. πŸ™‚Β  And, as teachers, how skillful we are at using…

πŸ“š Can I use Genki English to add to a textbook or course book?

As you may have noticed I do go on a bit about why I don’t like textbooks. πŸ™‚ But what if you have to teach a textbook or have found one that you really love? Β ( I have actually found one or two that are quite good over the years!) Can you still use Genki…

🎁 How to create and sell your own online English courses!

This morning, on the Facebook page, Β I asked if anyone would be interested in learning how to create and sell your own online English courses. We had over 70 likes and 50 comments saying “Yes!!!” So ……. I made a special Facebook training showing all the techniques I have used to make and sell many,…

Dance like a zombie game! … Tik Tok?

If you are teaching Halloween this year ( I think I’m moving further and further towards not teaching it, but that’s another story!) then this a very fun game. First the regular non-social distance version: 1. Split the kids into two groups. Β  2. Put the “Eat! Drink! Dance!“, Β “Superhero: I can” and Disco Warm…