Author Archives: Richard Graham

😯 Ooops, I forgot to add it!!

Oops, I forgot to add it! Yes there is an “Installment plan” where you can buy the Teacher’s Set and pay for it over six months (plus there’s a 30 day guarantee so you can try it for the first month too) and then …… I realized I hadn’t actually added that to the sales…

πŸ’– Is this enough to keep you going for now?

Is this enough to keep you going for now? Β  The “Big 5” VIP bonus trainings, Β you can access them all from the VIP menu at the top of the page: * How to teach English online * How to earn more teaching English * How to teach advanced English online * Ninja Discipline training…

🧠 Teachers, be careful of “learned helplessness” and how to fix it ( + my crazy August!)

A mindset is contagious, the mindset we have is the mindset our students will learn. So a positive mindset is a must for any Genki English teacher. And if you’re not used to it, sometimes it can be a little hard to maintain. A little skepticism can be OK in the beginning. Β And chill time…

πŸ’– How to increase your income as an English teacher – starting at zero cost…

Most teachers of English in the world sadly only earn around $200 or $300 per month. Β Many other teachers have made the jump to teach privately and earn $2,000 to $3,000 per month. Β Then there are those who really optimize what they do and earn $10,000 or more per month. And of course there are…

Who wants to go back to that? & How the world has changed!

I was watching a chateau restoration program on Youtube the other day. It was from 2005. Which, to be honest, doesn’t seem all that long ago …. The crazy thing was that when the guy went shopping, he took with him a huge paper dictionary! Blimey, it’s amazing how the world has changed in just…

Just added more to the VIP Bonus Menu – Enjoy!

Just added more to the VIP Bonus Menu – Enjoy! P.S. My job this month is to make the Teacher’s Set so amazing that *everyone* wants to get it, so do let me know what else I can add for you! P.P.S. Β You can find the menu at the top of the page here! ⬆