Author Archives: Richard Graham

Language Learning Tips: Genki Lists – how I got fluent in French & Japanese!

As you know I focus Genki English on what works best for learners. Β  And of course I practice what I preach and am constantly learning languages myself! πŸ™‚ Β  Β Here is one of my top tips – “Genki Lists!”

Can’t do an end of year show this year? Try this instead!

Virginie has become quite famous for doing some amazing plays & shows at the end of each year. Β (Ninja Tip: Β The parents LOVE these!) So what happens if you can’t do live plays this year? Β  This is what you do …. Enjoy! Now, what can your kids produce to show their parents how much…

Don’t miss out! The Genki Business Course

If you’ve made it through the lockdown and want to protect your teaching business from future shocks, and grow it further in the months and years ahead, then the Genki Business Course is open now. We’ve now added so much to the course, Β you’ll get full access to everything, including the new mastermind sessions which…

Brendan’s Top 5 Things he always does in Online Lessons!

Over in the Facebook group Brendan shared his top 5 things he’s been doing in his online lessons. Β I’m sure you’ll find some great ideas here! P.S. Β The posters in the background are here!

Kids having sooooo much fun with Doctor, Doctor lesson!

Mai Linh’s students in Vietnam have been having such a great time with the Doctor, Doctor lesson! Β  Β Just check out all their smiles and energy in these videos – well done Mai Linh and all your students!!!!!! If you have videos of your students doing so well with the Genki English lessons then please…

Software for kids!

I hope your kids have enjoyed the GenkiEnglishOnline software over the past 8 weeks. Β  It has been amazing to see kids from over 110 countries using it to get some *amazing results*. Β Thank you for sharing it with them! It has also been so fantastic to see so many of you using it in…