Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

The new Phonics CD has audio games for each of the ten phonemes on there, and for each one there needs to be a worksheet. The three that have been on ...

This is the day I really, really dislike!!! It’s the day of sending off the Phonics CD master to the factory. Which means that everything has to...

After seeing the difference the new coding on the site made to the English version, I had to update the Japanese version as well. That took all day, i...

It was back to work full time today, and it’s finally time to send off the Genki Phonics CD. So a lot of the time was spent on the phone organis...

It’s the beginning of the so-called “Golden Week” holidays in Japan, one of only 3 times in the year that Japanese people actually t...

For a while now I’ve noticed that the website keeps getting slower! It’s basically because of the way the site was designed, for machines ...