And here we have the updated pages for the Brainy Level 2.
I’m going to stop here for the moment until I get all the feedback in.
If you have any feedback on the actual lesson plan format, then please put it up in the comments here. (I’ve had both good and bad feedback so far and both are important.)
And if you have any feedback on how the individual lessons have worked in your class, I’d really, really love it if you could add it to any of the individual lesson plan pages. A lot of teachers are really shy about trying new ideas and you comments and encouragement will really help them get the confidence to try something new especially the songs & games:
- Lesson 8: Numbers 1 to 12
- Lesson 9: How old are you?
- Lesson 10: Weather
- Lesson 11: Good Morning
- Lesson 12: Do you like food?
- Lesson 13: Do you like animals?
- Lesson 14: I’m sorry!
And here are the first set from last week. Comments on how these lessons worked in your classes would also be really welcome:
- Lesson 1: Genki Disco Warm Up
- Lesson 2: Rock, Paper, Scissors
- Lesson 3: What’s your name?
- Lesson 4: How are you?
- Lesson 5: I’m a superhero! I can….
- Lesson 6: Left and right
- Lesson 7: Pronouns, I am, you are
As I say I’ll pause doing these for a while till I get more feedback ( It is a lot of work. ) But if you have special request for any other lessons that you really want doing then put them in the comments here and I’ll get them on the to do list!
(Or of course if you don’t need any more I’m more than happy to save the time 🙂 )
Be genki,
Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! I´ve been sick for the last week so I´ve been running on “autopilot” in my classes but I finally looked at the blog today and I must tell you Richard, you keep blowing my mind! These updated lesson plans are amazing! I always take a look at them before I start a new lesson and the new layout is soooo nice and simple. I haven´t looked at them all but it´s really easy to get right to the part that you may be looking for, whether it been input, output, or review. I must say that I have found the review part the most challenging though. I haven´t been doing this in my lessons. Usually I´d just review the previous lesson or at most 2. I see that it is key to success though since in language learning, ” if you don´t use it you loose it”.
I am going to challenge myself to start off with a complete review from now on in my classes! I know it won´t be easy, especially to be always creative so it´s not boring, but “We can do it!” Right?! Thanks for all your hard work. . . you are so encouraging and innovative. Keep it up! I really appreciate it!
Agree with what Amy said.
The layout is much cleaner.
The video at the start is great. I’ve been teaching Genki English for a fair while now, but each video has had something in it for me. Just a small tip, or something. I’ve also found watching the video introductions has just freshened me up a bit and reminded me of the main purpose of each lesson.
Nice work.
I couldn’t agree more with Ami.
It’s AWESOME Richard. Videos catch much more attention than written words. With videos is much easier and engaging and the most IMPORTANT part is the energy, the good will and the GENKINESS you transmit in those videos.
Please continue making those videos Level 3-13 as long as you find some time to make them.
Totally agree with Amy. The new videos are super. I love the new layout. Makes it very easy to find things.
Thank you for everything.
I do have one very large request….. May I ask if you could possibly make a dominoes set of the jobs from ” What do you want to be?”
Level 9 / Incredible. My students are currently loving dominoes!
Thanks again.