Combat Shyness with These Simple Tips – Video

Nigel very kindly uploaded this video from Saturday’s workshop.

I talk about, and show, how you can use the presentation part of the Treasure Adventure lesson to start overcoming student shyness.

It’s packed full of questions and hopefully lots of ideas for you. ย It’s 15 minutes so grab a cup of (ice) tea and enjoy.

(Just ignore the final 1 minute, I was running out of time!)

We’ve got 200 people turning up for this coming Saturday’s workshop in Tokyo, so if you want to get a seat, get in the room early!

What do you think of the video? ย I’d love to hear your comments!

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiโ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

6 Responses to “Combat Shyness with These Simple Tips – Video”

  1. Margit

    I’m shocked about the Saitama schools. I can’t believe this.
    At least say that it’s a few schools in Saitama?!?!?!

    OK, about the lesson itsself:
    I had my kids perform in front of all the other kids and their parents (audience of 60 people) last Halloween. They had prepared really good presentations; I must say, it is very difficult to get the audience to the point you are saying.
    Especially if the audience doesn’t really speak the language the kids are presenting in.

    For example I had one kid who did:
    “It’s my pleasure to show you some pictures of my trip to Disneyland.”
    She went on talking about the pictures, also including her own feelings or thoughts: “I like Donald” or “My number one is the water slider because….”

    I had made a collage of each kids presentation and put it out on each table, so the parents could see and follow. But there was no reaction at all.

    One kid presented his favorite instrument : the cello, and had brought his Cello, and it was a person I had hired to help me on that day who said “Can I try? Can I play” and the first reactions in the audience after this.

    It is really hard to get reactions here, you must be much more then NOT SHY .

    Of course, I think if it would be a presentation just between kids it would be a bit easier, but still, I think this is a topic where I would love to see more variations of videos.

    About the shyness:
    Some teachers weren’T 100% convince, but I can say: use GE and these methods and you will have all kids talk.
    I just had my term one final in ES , a quiz competition using all the English I had taught them in this term. It was a big hit, and I am very proud that we managed to have all 350 kids (split into 9 classes) say some sentence and ask a question at least 3 times in that lesson, with big and straight forward voices.
    Thanks GE!

  2. richard

    Hi Margit,

    Yes indeed, this is why I stress the “learning to listen” part so much! I was talking about kids here. For adults you have to use other techniques – if you listen closely to all my Japanese workshops the first 3 minutes is all about preparing the participants to react!

  3. Bradley

    That was very imformative, and the comment you made about the school that doesn’t allow applause/praise for the children during a presentation was very interesting; it just shows you how ‘different’ cultures can be around the world (some that you don’t necessarily agree with, but that’s how they’ve been raised).
    I’m glad that you gave an example of how to encourage a child’s confidence if they do happen to be shy before a presentation; it did seem slightly harsh, the way you described the process to the gentleman who questioned you, but giving the physical example of the process definitely backed up what you were saying – as the old saying goes, “Actions speak louder than words”.

    Warm Regards.

  4. Julia

    Hi Richard!

    It was great to watch this rather big part of one of your workshops.

    It’s so nice to see that your teaching methods are open and that you yourself use the techniques that you teach. I meen this ‘giving a new identity to the shy student’.

    And as I’ve seen it the first teacher playng the role of a confident student was indeed a shy one, who was hiding her shyness behind a feature of confident behaviour, such as chewing a gum.

    At school I was also a shy student and I know how difficult it is to overcome this feeling. And even now I sometimesI feel the lack of self-confidence. And when it happens the body-language is a very great help: stand straight, raise up the head and smile.

    Waiting for more video tips. And still more for a real workshop!

    Good luck!

  5. Nena

    Very informative and funny video!
    It’s really true, that shy kids tend to get away from any sort of class participation by crying, sudden stomach ache or the need to go to the bathroom…you as the teacher feel sorry for putting this poor child through the misery of talking in front of the class. I have one particular child in one of my classes who does it…I over encourage him to talk and try to get the other students to encourage him when he tries. After two years, he’s gotten better and more confident though he still cries every once in a while.
    I will definitely try the treasure adventure presentation (summer adventure) in September when classes start.
    keep up the good work!

  6. Gumby

    Hi Richard,
    Thank you for sharing this video. I like your ideas of having them improve their posture and taking on another identity to boost confidence.

    There is a danger though in assuming that shyness can be overcome just by a teacher requiring them to speak. You can do this because you are a natural motivator and take steps to make sure students are understanding the content. Like Margit says GE makes it easier for students to feel confident.

    Sometimes though, it is just as good to allow students to evolve. I know lots of people who dislike foreign languages because they were made to use it before they were ready. I think it is OK if they are quiet at first and the teacher gives them the option of participating in different ways.

    Lots of my 1st year elementary students are shy in class. Yet, parents tell me all the time that they use the English at home. At this stage, this is just fine with me. Gradually as we learn more and as they gain more confidence, they will start to speak in class.

    I have seen older students evolve slowly as well.

    However, I like your ideas of finding ways to get students to overcome their shyness. Margit has told me that your techniques really do work, so please do share more.

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