Don’t forget your …. card game

Margit put up a request on the Wishlist forum for Summer Clothes mini cards but with one thing “forgotten” from each one, so you can use them to practice “Don’t forget your …. ”

As I was just in the process of making the minicards they were a very timely request. Here you go, enjoy!

(If any you have any requests for extra materials then right now is the time to ask whilst I’m making up all the extra cards for vol. 11 Just put up a request on the Wishlist forum! )

Margit’s kids are also pretty far through the Genki Phonics course – up to “oa” well done! – and she has sent in these great reading worksheets for the Summer Clothes theme!

(Of course please * don’t * try these unless the kids have done proper phonics, we don’t want to kill all that hard work you’ve been doing!)

If we were to make more of these types of worksheets, what sort of things would you like?

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genki—fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

5 Responses to “Don’t forget your …. card game”

  1. Nena

    I love the minicards…Thanks for sharing Margit…great for reading and maybe for more advance kids,,,by adding a line the kids can practice the short answer reply for the questions Yes, he did etc. or changing the sentence into questions etc.
    Have a good day!

  2. Viviane Glaettli

    Dear Richard,

    The CD volume n°11 is absolutely great. And I would like to say that the worksheet you created for Baby Monkey Summer Clothes is exactly what I was looking for. Some of my students (age 8-10) asked me if they could start to learn to write. It would be great if it would be possible for you to create these kind of worksheets for all of Genkienglish subjects!!!!!!!! Thanks again for your amazing creative thinking…it helps really a lot.

  3. Lines

    Hi, Richard.
    I think this kind of activities is great ( you work with personal pronouns( I, you…), possesives(my, your, his, her…) In the Spanish curriculum, the students have to learn the four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing in a second language ( English) so this sound terrific.
    We can do the same with winter, spring and summer, our students can follow this activities to create theirs.( here, in spain we have got four seasons)
    They also have to change: He for She and of course His for her, everyone do something different drowing their own pictures and then we use their works for decorate our class.
    RICHARD, YOU ARE A GENIUS and you can help us a lot with this kind of activities, so invent a lot and sell them to us, they are more motivating than the writing activities I give them.

  4. Margit

    Glad you like them,
    some comments on the sheets from my side, as I think this can’t be said often enough:

    Conversation wise, yes, there would be more pronouns in there…

    Everybody working with GE phonics though~hopefully many teachers are doing so~ will recognize, why I created these, using “his” only, and why I figured out this topics was perfect for worksheets like this?

    As Richard mentioned my kids are behind “oa” in the phonics book, (about a year of 5-10 minutes reading per week) So at this point “her”, “your” “my”, even “I” and “she” are exceptions and not in the phonetical order.
    So “his” was obvious, ideal.
    Also the other words of this topic are all going with the GE phonics order, I didn’t choose “purple” or “green” or “shades” etc for that purpose.

    I would love to use more worksheets, but I believe that it doesn’t make any sense to do reading or writing before they’ve done part of the phonic course; or have them read phonetical sounds they haven’t learned decoding yet.

    If anybody detects a topic that would fit as well as this one phonetically please write them down and I’ll be happy to make more worksheets.

  5. Lines

    I’m sorry Margit. May be I didn’t understand you. I’m sorry, your job is great.

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