When I got my first publishing deal I was put into an almost year long “boot camp” with some of the top writers, editors and designers in the country.
They drilled into me the structures, the ingredients, the essential items and emotions needed to write successfully.
📕 That eventually led to a dozen published hardback books.

My mum was quite happy when she saw my first books on display in a Kyoto bookstore!
One of the most popular requests has been for the Genki English Storytelling/writing course.
I always thought it had to be a perfect portrait A4 book. Or workbook. Or a video course.
However ….. after all the experience this year of slides and screen shares (and my own online lessons) I realized that with everyone being online these days then actually slides could be the perfect way to get this idea of storytelling across.
➡️ So here it is ….. the now complete Genki English VIP Storytelling Course in pdf slide format.
And over in the VIP Facebook Group we have the video training module where we discuss teaching storytelling for Beginner A1/A2 & Intermediate B1/B2 Levels! :

Ninja Tip: If you’re not a VIP yet, full VIP access to all the bonus training courses is included when you buy the Teacher’s Set!
This has been designed for kids, and adults, to get into creative storytelling as quickly and simply as possible.
And it also happens to be the perfect way to introduce writing into your ESL or EFL English curriculum once your students have a solid grasp of the spoken language and have developed their reading skills with Genki Phonics.
This is a living document so I’ll be updating it with more content and making it easier to teach as I get more feedback and comments and questions from students and teachers.
So give it a try, let’s see the amazing stories your students come up with and of course let me know all your questions and feedback so we can make it even better for the generations to come!
Be genki,
Q: When to teach this course? / Is it OK to teach this course during the main Genki English curriculum?
A: In the video training we discuss ways of using this with A1/A2 levels and B1/B2 level i.e. after you’ve done the main Genki English curriculum and the Genki Phonics reading program. Remember the language success formula: Speaking -> Reading -> Writing.
Q: Are there worksheets to go with this?
A: We developed the slides version of this course during the pandemic when most teachers were teaching online. Hence the activities are designed for kids to write on their own notebooks or papers. You don’t need to print anything out!
Q: Can I jump straight from the end of the Genki English curriculum into this course?
A: You could. Although you might also want to add some extra or intensive reading between the Genki Phonics and this course. There are lots of great extensive reading systems out there!
Q: How many lessons will this take to teach?
A: It’s a full course so there is quite a lot there! I’ve put recommended times for each activity but those are just guides and you might take more or less time. Depending on your experience and confidence then it could take between 12 and 24 weeks to teach. Of course you can also go more in-depth if you wish!
Q: Will this work with adults and/or native speaking children?
A: Yes and yes. A lot of my time coaching adults is on how to use these same storytelling frameworks in their business or professional lives. If you have your own school or recruit your own students then learning this storytelling framework will be very powerful for you! The only thing you’ll need to change is to give them more options over which of the stories they cover. The program is based on regular storytelling strategies that are taught in the UK and other countries so whilst it doesn’t go quite as in-depth, it can definitely be used for native speaker children.
Q: Will you be adding more to this course?
A: Maybe! We’ll see how we go. My main focus is always on getting kids speaking fluent English first with the regular Genki English curriculum but if this course proves as popular as all the early comments appear then I’m more than happy to listen to requests and add in extra material for you!
THIS IS AWESOME!!! Totally love it, this give so many new opportunities to make the kids want to learn 🙂
Hi Richard,
Yes I would like more support in understanding what to do, how to use it. Looks interesting, but how do I use it with slides etc.
Hi Richard!
This is a fantastic approach writing! further support would be awesome!
Thanks for your wonderful work.
Love it!!! thank you @richard Graham … would love to know how to become as confident as When I teach Genki English. Surely you are the master to show us the way!!!
I’ve been wanting to learn more about storytelling for a while now. Some support in using your slides would be much appreciated, they look great!