Genki Halloween Games, Songs & Activities 2022!

However much I think October 1st is too early to put up the Halloween lessons, someone always says I’m too late ๐Ÿ™‚

So here you are the, very latest Genki English Halloween lessons. ย  ย Some have been been refined into huge hits over the past years & some are going to be brand new for this year! ย Enjoy!

P.S. ย Just one thing I would request this year, ย many of us now have kids who look OK on the surface but are still processes lots of events and experiences that have happened in the past months

So just have another think through any Halloween images, activities or videos to make sure they won’t emotionally trigger any of your students. ย  I know especially many American or UK teachers who have seen halloween tombstones and zombies and ghosts from childhood think nothing of them and think this is pandering, but for kids who haven’t been brought up with Halloween it might not be quite so straightforward (some of it is really weird & macabre when you think about it!!) ย  ย So definitely keep the fun there, these are cartoons after all, but just give one extra thought this year. ย  Thank you!


Richard Graham

Hello, I'm Richard Graham. When I was a kid I found school to be sooooo boring... So I transformed my way of teaching. I listened to what the kids were really wanting to say and taught it in ways they really wanted to learn. The results were magical. Now I help teachers just like you teach amazing lessons and double your incomes!