Anthony Joh over at Tokyo Podcast has just put up an audio interview he did with me on the ideas and techniques I use to get fluent in languages.
We talk about all the top tricks, tips and shortcuts of learning a language, why I came to Japan, the space programme, using fear in language learning, using Genki English in a traditional education system, Thailand and India projects and lots of Star Wars references!
My bit starts 6 mins 30 seconds in and goes on for a good 30 minutes, so grab a coffee and have a listen!
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Great speach Richard. I´m agree with everything you say.My students comunicate more and better in English since I use genki english.
Gotta love your attitude, Richard. You are so right! Just when I was getting discouraged, you made me realize that the atmosphere in the Japanese public schools is actually good for change. Thanks!
really enjoyed your interview!
Thank you very much Richard, you are so helpful, your energy gives us courage to go on teaching English with all our effort. Genki English is the best. Congratulations!
I am currently in Spain teaching English. I agree with your comments about Michel Thomas, I listen to his CD’s and learnt so much in such a short amount of time. I did plateau and came to a stand still for a few months and then took off again learning so much more. I find being able to communicate in another language such a buzz. My students also feel that buzz and if I see them out and about come running up and practice what they know with me, it is so lovely to hear them do that. Love your enthusiasm and enjoyed listening to your interview.