Last Minute Christmas Games!

Just in case you need a few extra Christmas games for this weekend, have a try of these…

Double want for Christmas

A variation on the “Pink Fish” game. Put two sets of Christmas picture cards on two tables at opposite ends of the class. Everyone shouts out “What would you like for Christmas?” One kid from each group runs to one table and picks up a card, then to the next table and picks another card. Then they come back to their group and shout out “I’d like a ….. and a ……” whilst holding up the two cards. Quickest team is the winner.

Snowball Wipeout!

Put some Christmas picture cards on the board. Behind each one secretly put a post it note with a number of points. The kids choose one of the cards (use whatever level English you think they can do). You turn the card over and they get that many points. But if it says “Wipeout!” all their points are lost!

Buy me!

This is a fun game we had on the blog the other day. Put up some Christmas picture cards on the board and write a price under each one. You shout out a price and the kids shout out “How much is the …..” with the name of the correct card.

Tower of Presents

Based on the “Tower Game“. Wrap some big, huge empty boxes as presents. Ask the kids a question based on some English they’ve done this year. The quickest team gets to pick a box and use it to start building a tower of presents! The tower gets higher and higher, but if it falls that team has to start again from the beginning. The oversized presents also make great decorations for your party.

Plus of course don’t forget all the regular Genki Christmas lessons.

After jetting from Africa to the UK to Japan in the last two weeks, this evening I’m going to a carol concert in Bethlehem.

I hope you have a fantastic Christmas and I’ll see you all in the New Year!

Be genki,


P.S.  The CD Sets have now all sold out, but of course Downloads are still available – and they make a fantastic last minute Christmas present! 🙂

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genki—fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

One Response to “Last Minute Christmas Games!”

  1. Angelika

    Thanks for your wonderful songs and comments

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