Last Minute Halloween & Look at other Teachers’ Parties!

OK, I lied last time, I just had to share these last minute Halloween ideas, although I guess they might need filing away for next year!

First Elisabeth wrote in with a great game she uses with her kids:

Here’s a game I use to practise with my pupils (age 10) for Halloween.
First, I give them a sheet of paper with the drawing of a haunted house, then, I say sentences for revision.

For example Β “If you’re a boy, draw a spider. If you’re a girl, draw a bat.”

“If you had an orange juice this morning, draw two pumpkins in front of the window. If you didn’t, draw one pumpkin”

“If you like cats, draw a skull, if you like dogs, draw a skeleton in front of the door”.

Then I ask them for more ideas. Β When they have finished, I put all the drawings on the wall !!!

Very cool, I especially like the “if” parts of this!

Elisabeth also just wrote on the feedback page:

We’re studying multiples intelligences at the momentΒ , and Genki English is a perfect way to learn for all children.

I can give Β a lot of examples e.g.

Nathan in the first lesson : “Moi, j’aime pas l’anglais” (I don’t like English lessons)

And the fifth or sixth lesson : “quand est-ce que tu reviens ?” (when are you coming back ?)

Another example, once a teacher of my school was ill, and we decided to delete the english lesson, all the children were disappointed !!

Thank you Elisabeth, that is fantastic to hear! Β (Well not about the kids being disappointed but you know what I mean! πŸ™‚ )

Monster Mouth Game!

Jane also sent in this great little game:

1. The children draw a monster face with a big enough mouth and slits cut either side to thread a strip of paper through.

2. On the paper they should write (or draw) verbs which appear in the monster’s mouth. Β (The boys tend to use words like, cutting, fighting, scaring etc.!)

3. The monster then talks and says what he’s doing, and does the actions.

You could also do this with any of the minicards!

Β Mido’s Halloween Party @ KFC!

Mido’s also been busy getting ready for Halloween in China. Β He even took his Halloween party to Kentucky Fried Chicken!

(Do remember to check out Mido’s amazing book of games. Β I’m also editing up a new volume for you, once I get a few distractions out of the way – TED talk next week! πŸ™‚ )

And Margit’s Great Halloween Party Picture

It is amazing how all the busiest teachers get so much done, and Margit has been at it again with her great Halloween party:

And her kids also did the Halloween Version of the Harry Potter Game:

(It looks like they’re in a graveyard there!!! )

Margit also has other great ideas over on her blog.

Right, I hope you had a fantastic Halloween season this year, and didn’t have too many candies ( the Superhero Veg will sort you out! πŸ™‚

Next up is Thanksgiving for what is probably one of the most important lessons of the year, Β and then I guess you’ll be asking me to put the Christmas trimmings up for the Christmas lessons??

Happy Halloween Everyone!

Be genki


Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiβ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!