Mido’s Free Games eBook – how would you do it?

You already have my Top 50 Games eBookHeather Tanaka’s Bumper eBook of Games & Ideas (with a free worksheets book!) and of course my mini Top 10 Games eBook that you get for subscribing to the blog via email (there’s a link at the end of each message)

But want some great news?  Mido has asked if I can make up his games into a brand new, easy to print ebook too.   I guess all your nice comments on his games made a big difference!

I’ve already written up a few of them (using Pages on the iPad – way better than Word on the PC!)

But I’d like to have your input.  How would you like them organised?  One per page or many per page? Would you need suggested topics or prefer to keep them open as “suitable for any topic”?  Anything else you’d need to make them easier to understand?

Now’s your chance to have it made just the way you like it!

P.S. I just pulled the winner of February’s comment competition.  It was … drum roll please ….  LINES!

Get commenting on posts this month and you might win a free Genki English CD of your choice too!

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genki—fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

9 Responses to “Mido’s Free Games eBook – how would you do it?”

  1. Margit

    Great idea.
    As they all go with any topics, rather than ordering them in themes, I would like them according to their “preparation level”
    For example the “Oh no my hair” would be with games that almost need 0 prep. or props, but the “Kiss Sara” game is much more difficult, as it’s much harder to draw the Baby and also drawing the kisses is tougher than erasing the hair.

    But I really think it doesn’t matter(they are in general all very simple and don’t need a lot), as long as they are put together somewhere.

    One idea might be to add some “variation ideas” from the comments. There was some great stuff in there as well.

  2. Jocely Kikuchi

    As my part is concern, it doesn’t matter, I do love to go with the result of the majority. The truth is I myself I still struggling doing games during lesson-time. To come clean “game” is my very weak points when it comes to teaching. But japanese children love games very much so I need to learn from everybody. At the moment I’m using the GE games by computer and still using it until now and my kids loved it.
    Lines sensie, congratulations!

  3. julian

    Great idea. One which will be really helpful to a lot of teachers. Thanks Mido (and Richard!)

    I agree with Margit that, since they can be used for several different themes (which is one aspect of their great appeal) they should be arranged in order of ease of preparation.

    You could also divide them into games which practice vocabulary only, ie single word answers, and games which practice whole sentences. For me, it is harder to find a variety of the latter type of game.

    Oh, and if you can include the variations other people have suggested, like Margit says, that would be great.

  4. Liza

    Great idea. Thank you Mido.

    I too appreciate “length of preparation” and “materials needed” and “target language” descriptions when I’m preparing my lesson plans. In fact, for me the less preparation the more I like it.

    Any minimalistic ideas for Fasching/Carnival lessons next week? :-))

  5. sussie

    Wonderful idea Mido!
    I agree with Margit on dividing the games by preparation time, since that is for me a very important factor in chosing the game to use!
    I also agree with Julian that it’s difficult to find games to practice longer sentences, so distinguishing between one-word games and full sentence-games would also be appreciated.

    I must also tell you that this week I’m training a new teacher, so she’s sitting in on my lessons, and she keeps telling me how good the kids are at putting words together and forming their own sentences! And I really believe this is thanks to the GE songs that give them the structure to “hang” the new words on. She’s also amazed at how enthusiastic these kids are at doing a lesson even late in the afternoon, because they HAVE FUN!!!
    So thank you all for this great material that is really making a difference!

  6. Lines

    Helo everybody.
    Richard I’m very happy to be the winner.And I would like to have…What do you do in your free time? this CD is from High School Hip Hop materials. I bought all the pack, but the last interactive song in the pack it’s “go, went, gone” and I’ve got the lyrics of this song, but I should be very grateful to have it in a CD with your angelical voice. Of course, if it’s posible. I’m very happy with being the winner because before being an English teacher I was a maths teacher, and sometimes it’s difficult to me express all my feelings in English,and if I’m the winner I think you understand what I wnat to say and this is a grate prize for me. So lots and lots of thanks

  7. Lines

    I agree with Mido, if we have then packed, it’s easier for as to use.
    Have you ever tried High School Hip Hop materials? They are wonderful too,my students speak english easily and better since I use them.yesterday, I went to my class and I said in English what I do in my free time following the lyrics of HIP Hop… written by Richard, then every student wanted to tell in English what do they do in their free time. They didn’t say a sentence, they told to the class a big paragraph ( each one) the only problem was that they asked me for the Richard song and I didn’t have it but they danced How did you get here and and you are the best…
    So thank you very much

  8. Kristin Nishimura

    All great suggestions above! I would like to have one game per page, it makes it more clearly.
    This is a wonderfull idea. Thank you Mido for sharing all your great games, and Richard for orgenizing it!!!

  9. Jacs

    Page per game is a good idea.
    Maybe a list of themes could be in an Appendix and the page of each game could be written next each relevant theme so there will be more than one game per theme and a game could be used for several themes/classes.
    It would be nice if some games were grouped together or listesd so that they could be used for revision classes. I have been trying to create my own list.

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