UPDATE: If you haven’t bought the Genki English Download Pack yet and need convincing, here’s a comment I wrote on the iphone thread earlier this week, it applies just as much to buying the Download Pack!
If it’s for business (professional) use then just like anything else there’s just one way to convince yourself to buy, will it save you money? If it does you’d be mad not to buy it – because as with everything else it would be costing you more not to have it.
How can the Download Pack save you money? Two ways easily come to mind.
1) If you work out your hourly rate. Multiply this by the amount of time the pack will save you in preparation time each year. If this number is greater than the cost then you should buy it.
2) If using the Download Pack brings in more word of mouth referrals from parents of new students, and if the total lifetime profit from these new students is greater than the cost of the Pack then you should buy it.
Pretty simple. And that’s without even considering all the educational value for all your current students!
Just a quick word to say I’ve now updated the Download Pack to include all the Vol. 10 themes and by popular request all the audio mini lessons and karaoke tracks as mp3s.
If you have the previous download pack (or 9 CD set) and managed to grab last week’s CD10 beta test, write a comment below and I’ll send you the updated menu to access all the CDs with one page.
If you haven’t bought it yet, now’s the perfect time. It’s a massive 1.1 Gb (yes, gigabyte!) download but worth every penny.
For old & new members …
P.S. For both old and new members, to safeguard your considerable investment I’d certainly recommend saving the pack on a 2 GB memory stick and labeling it as “Genki English”. Then if your computer dies you’ve still got all your valuable materials. Plus of course it makes it easier to carry around than a whole bunch of CDs!
P.P.S. Remember unlike a lot of teaching systems you don’t have to keep paying a monthly fee to use Genki English in your classes, just pay for the Download Pack once and it’s yours to use forever!
this was what my daughter just “complaint” about:
Mummy, why isn’t CD10 on the site, so that I just can click it to watch?”
I made the beta test, so please, could I have the new updated pack?
(I think you must have the most “thank you-buttons” in the world!!!
I’ve been hoping you’d make a new menu like that! Is it possible to get an update?
Thanks Richard! We talked about this in Odate and I was just going to email you about it. Very helpful. BTW tried Zombie janken with the fouth graders today as a Halloween theme. They did “Make a Face” last year and we just finished “Doctor Doctor” so they had plenty of vocab which made it really genki!
I’ve had quite a few people asking so here’s how to upgrade your Download Pack. As with anything on a computer, back everything up before you start!
1. Copy all the big .SWF files from last week’s CD10 beta test download into your Download Pack folder.
2. Download the new menu file here: http://genkienglish.net/clipart/CD10MENU.zip
3. Unzip it and copy all the files into your Download Pack folder.
Et viola, you now have two new CD10 options on the Download Pack menu, one for the Halloween Songs (including CD6’s Happy Halloween) and one for the all the Christmas songs!
What do you think?
Does it work different with mac?
I always need the HTML file. It doesn’t open with the “Start here” one
I tried to do it the way you wrote, but there is no HTML this time only 4 icons.
And if I copy the SWF files into my downloadpack, I can’t even start the CD10 HTML download , because all the files are out. (Well, I luckily returned them)
Hi Margit, you just use the HTML file that you usually use for the Download Pack, there’s no need to update that file.
If the files disappear from your CD10 folder it means you have “moved” them instead of “copying” them, copying them should leave the original ones intact!
Thanks !
Now I got it. GREAT!
I don’t nead to be convinced. I love your work and I’d loved to have all but it’s my husband. No internet purchase out of France.
Aha! If you click on the “buy now” link on the download pack page it should take you to your local “paypal” site, which should hopefully be in your case an official French site! You should be able to pay in euros too!
hi there Richard !
I’m sorry I missed this !
Is it possible to still get it? either way,
Thanks for all making my job easier…your just too quick for my computer skills!
Sure, the files are still up!
I finally got around to trying this out, and after a bunch of monkeying around with files, it almost works. The only problem is cd 9, when I click on it in the new menu, a blank screen appears. Ideas? I’m using a mac, if that matters. Thanks!
Yeah, this is just the menu files, you need to have the CD9 already in your Download Pack. I’ll email you! 🙂