Here’s Mido’s latest game for you. Β It’s a way of picking a volunteer, in a similar way to London Bridge, but of course “Circle of Doooooom” (said in a deep cinematic way!) sounds a whole lot more cooler!

1. Put the kids in a big circle.

2. Under one of the kids put a “Circle of Doom” i.e. a hula hoop or draw a circle with chalk.
3. Whilst singing today’s song ( e.g. Do you have any brothers or sisters?, school subjects etc.Β ) the kids walk round stepping in and out of the circle of doom.
4. At some point you stop the music.
5. Whoever is in the circle of doom is the volunteer to ask/answer a question, come up with a whole series of questions about today’s English or whatever task you want them to do!
What do you think?
I think that this game is wonderful. I have ever played the game. I’ve just received the prize that it’s similar as MIdo’s game.
I didn’t know this game. I work with preschoolers and elementary kids and also with adults. I think this game is fun. I’ll try it in my next class, tomorrow. Thanks.
I think this game is very good, especially for th esmall classess, I’ll try it im my class, thank yoy so much.
Good one Richard, keep it up.
I like it, it’s a good alternative to hot potato and rolling the dice, the kids were getting awfully tired of that.
It’s a really good idea. Simple but at the same time fun. I’ve done the standard version with chairs but this is much easier and less time consuming to prepare.
Hey Richard!!!! nice one. I’ll play it very soon with the kids.
Thanks π
I wonder if there will be a Genki English certificate available to download for students in the near future?
Hi Dillon,
There is this page:
But I think I might need to update it at some point!
This is a great animation
Yeah, this is just a variation on Musical Chairs…which is okay! Variation is always good.
Very good idea, and easy to prepare!
I like it…nice change from the hot potato game! going to try it tomorrow..
Great idea! i will definetely do it with my kindergarteners.