New Game: Double Winter Sports Leapfrog!

Margit has sent in this great idea for adding “I like …” and “I don’t like …” to the Winter Sports leapfrog game!

(Here Margit is using the Summer Sports version – great if you are in the Southern Hemisphere – but of course it works just as well for theย Winter Sportsย version!)

1. Lay out two sets of minicards, face up in a row. On one set of cards put a big X and a big tick on the other set.

2. One kid starts at one end saying what’s on each card. If there is a tick they say “I like ….”, if there is a X they say “I don’t like ….”

3. At the same time another kid starts saying what’s on each card, but they start at the other end!

4. When they meet they “Rock, Paper, Scissors

5. The winner starts from where they stopped.

6. The next person in the loser’s team starts from the beginning of the row.

7. The first team to reach the far end is the winner.

What do you think? Do let us know in the comments!

P.S. ย Margit has just set up her own official website, so do check it out for more ideas!

Richard Graham

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3 Responses to “New Game: Double Winter Sports Leapfrog!”

  1. Martin Wenzel

    I’ve already added variations of this game to one of my classes. It was a hit! Next time I’ll add in making sentences to the game (first time I just ran it with saying the words, so they could get the hang of the game first).

  2. Stephen

    Nice idea which coincides with the actual lessons I am teaching now. Thanks Margit!!!

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