Oxford University (!) Research into Genki English Songs vs. Stories “equally effective”

Last year we had Harvard University publishing their research on Genki English. ( “the programme had a significant, positive and robust impact on students’ learning outcomes“ is what they said.)

And this year researcher Glenn Davis has just completed a very interesting study at the University of Oxford in the UK on the effectiveness of using songs vs. stories to “promote more nativelike holistic treatment of phrases.” Of course using Genki English songs and stories.

Glenn didn’t actually find that one method was better than the other, but he concludes with:

… there is a growing body of research indicating that songs and stories are equally effective.

And I guess you can’t say fairer than that – especially from Oxford University! 🙂

You can find the songs used in the study on the main songs page and the stories, not surprisingly, are on the stories page.

Once the full 199 page report is available online, I’ll be sure to link it up.

And for those of you who aren’t using Genki English yet,  Oxford, Harvard, what more are you waiting for? 🙂 (Maybe if I had won the ESU President’s award and got to go to Buckingham Palace it would have been the perfect trio!)

As always comments are much appreciated!

Be genki,


P.S.  I also just updated the Superhero Vegetable posters, I think you’ll like them!

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genki—fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

5 Responses to “Oxford University (!) Research into Genki English Songs vs. Stories “equally effective””

  1. Wendy

    Congratulations! It’s nice to be backed up by big names like Harvard and Oxford, but I think the number of your satisfied customers and their students enjoying English is also a pretty good sign that Genki is onto something! Thank you for all you do!

  2. Evelyne

    WOW, Oxford!! Congratulations Richard! We already knew all this and now it’s official! What more can you want for! Your work is great and all my French kids in kindergarten love your songs and books! A BIG thank you from the Provence! Evelyne

  3. Mark Armstrong

    Great to hear Richard. I can’t wait to get hold of the published report and start quoting from it to parents about the success of your work. No matter how enthusiastic us teachers may be, it’s great to have such big names to provide backup.

  4. Julia

    Hi Richard!

    You made me think: How many vouchees does the effectiveness of GE need to be proved?
    I thought: maybe all the researches and awards are mountain tops you have to reach to bring from them your genkiness to the world? Maybe it’s easier this way :)?

    Be always genki! We are for you!

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