Valerie wrote in to ask where the Printable Elementary School curriculum was. Β ( She liked how she could print it out to show parents or co-workers, and could write in the date of each theme.)
As we now have so many themes I have’t updated the file in a while, Β but maybe it is still useful?

If any of you do have any requests for things like this that might have “disappeared” then do let me know in the comments, they will be around somewhere!
P.S. Β I’ve also had requests for a larger version, Β I guess the nearest version is the table on the curriculum page?
Cool. It would be great to see an updated version of your recommended curriculum order. The curriculum page here doesn’t have the animal lessons between How Are You and How Old Are You…does it? It is a good way to do it, though. Give the kids some fun with animals before jumping into numbers and the concept of AGE. Would really love to do a Genki curriculum course to see how it would work out as opposed to fitting the songs into another curriculum rather clumsily.
I think it’s a great idea. It really would be nice to have a printable curriculum where it all fits on one A4 paper preferably with some pictures and color.
Your new menu file PDF that you posted at is a HUGE help. The theme buttons look great! I’m working on an A4 menu of the themes but I wish the CD covers were vector since they would just look so much clearer. Is there any way to make them vector?
Hi Matthew,
Thanks for this, I never even made the link between those two files! π
Getting them on one A4 would be just about impossible I think, even with no pics and a really small font! But still keep trying.
All the images in the pdf should be vectors, and also the actually menu flash file is vectors which you should be able to import.
I’m also thinking of maybe looking at colour coding the background of each themes “oval” shape to make it a bit easier to scan the levels?
@Martin: Yeah, this one is a little old. The curriculum on the website here is the one I most recommend, although of course it all becomes flexible once you actually get in class! π
Do you have the curriculum overview completely in English please?
Hi Nathanja
Unfortunately I don’t have an English one, it just got too big to fit in this format!