Summer Clothes Song: Baby Monkey it’s Summer!

UPDATE: Β This song is now released and you can find it on Genki English vol. 11!Β 


To follow on from the raving success of Baby Monkey’s Winter Clothes, I guess there just had to be a Summer Clothes song as well!

I’m still working on a combined set of picture cards (with much better colour sense than the picture to the left!), and they should be available soon.

For the time being you can use Gaz’ Summer Clothes Picture Cards (where you can choose from 10 different t-shirt designs!) for the first four items and the new bucket, spade, fishing rod, shades cards for the next four.

And in case you want to print them out, here are the lyrics:

Baby Monkey it’s Summer!
by Richard Graham

Baby Monkey it’s Summer.
Let’s go to the beach.
Baby Monkey it’s Summer.
Let’s go to the beach.

Don’t forget your hat.
Don’t forget your t-shirt.
Don’t forget your shoes
Don’t forget your shorts!

(Repeat Chorus)

Don’t forget your bucket
Don’t forget you spade
Don’t forget your fishing rod
Don’t forget your shades

You should also be able to link this up with the Weather Picture Book from the other week.

The chorus is a bit different to the other Genki English songs, but it does stick in your head! Anyway, what do you think? Is it useful as it is or anything to change?

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiβ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

16 Responses to “Summer Clothes Song: Baby Monkey it’s Summer!”

  1. Yumiko

    Another great song!!
    Hearing the song, I felt as if I were really at the beach with Baby Monkey. This song will bring fresh sea breeze to the hot and stuffy summer classroom.
    Thank you!
    Are you introducing this song at Maruzen workshop?
    Sugoi! I’ll see you there!

  2. Carol

    I’m ready to go the beach with Baby monkey!! Just fantastic!!

    I love the bucket and spade!!!! (spade/shades) Thank you!!

  3. gumby

    Gaz, I finally got around to printing this new set of cards and WOW the different colors of clothes are already sized to fit Baby Monkey. Fantastic job!! I can’t wait to use them. Great way to teach review and teach different themes! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

  4. Liza

    I did At The Beach last week with a class of 2nd years. Will see if they’ve remembered the vocabulary and use this song to revise it. Thanks.

  5. Liza

    cont. and last week I was asked to practice a “holiday song” with a different class of 2nd yrs for them to perform for their parents at the end of term “do” in 3 weeks time. This might just be that song!

  6. Margit

    Gaz, Richard and all the other 10000elves around who are helping:
    Thank you . This song is so good. It’s really easy to come up with gestures and I’m sure it won’t take more than one lesson to have everybody join in.

    I think this is going to be one of my favorites, next to
    “How many brothers and sisters”
    “What can you see under the sea”
    And “How much”
    And “Can you speak English”

    Well there are many more ANDs but to keep it within 5, not thinking of the content (that would give other preferences)
    just as songs, I love these, and I think we’re going to be dancing today. Ha, Val I wish I would have your technical enthusiasm to take some videos….

  7. nena

    Great job with the visuals. my kids adore baby monkey!
    I’m not too sure about the chorus of the song! but I’ll try it on the kids.

  8. Sakura

    Great song!!

    Richard do you have plans of visiting Maruzen Bookstore in Sakae, Nagoya?

  9. Flossy

    I have posted on the forum but wanted to add a comment here too!! I like the verse, but sorry I like Nena am not so keen on the chorus, it sounds a bit wobbly (pitch bend)

    I love the words in the song though so thumbs up there!!

  10. richard

    @Flossy: The wobbly pitch is my bad singing on the demo version! Once we get the testing results back I’ll re-record it if it gets good feedback from the kids in general. They seemed to really like it today though!

  11. richard

    @Sakura: No plans for Nagoya at the moment. I’m trying to do the bookstores next to another workshop in the same city to save time. But you could ask them, hearing from a customer always helps! + after today’s sales results from Okayama (thank you everyone!) they might be pretty keen!

  12. Carol

    Hi Richard,

    Even though I posted on the forum, I really like the song. I’l do it on Tues with my 3rd graders.

    I would like to request that you bump up a hair, the volmue on the echo. I’m sure you’ll correct the voices when you rerecord it!! Actually I think the kids will sing so loud they won’t notice it on the demo version. But you know us teachers, we are a picky bunch!! LOL

  13. richard

    @Carol: Yeah, I’m always non-committal with the echoes on demo versions as I can never decide to go with a straight repeat, or an optional grammar change e.g. “Don’t forget your ….” -> “Don’t forget my …. etc.” But then again that’s why we do the demo versions first to see what works best!

  14. Julian-k

    I’m really looking forward to the final version of this. Think it’ll be ready in time for this summer? Last year i was totally stumped with what to do with my summer student classes – it was way to hot for a start, and the kids wanted something “themed”. Gazs cards are great too.

  15. aissatou

    it’s unbelievable how you manage your time! how can you imagine all these genki lessons, send and answer emails and keeping fit! i need to know how you organize your daily life.tons of thanks,Richard..

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