What madness is this, 2 Star Wars Days in One Month!!!! Β (Just in case you didn’t hear, Disney+ is premiering the brand new Obi Wan Kenobi TV series today!!)
And finally a chance to bring back the Obi Wan masks for the Star Wars Game!!
P.S. Β If you can’t find inflatable light sabers, you can also do the Mr Bump game with just one regular lightsaber!
May the Force be with you!

Star Wars:
Obi Wan Kenobi Lightsaber Battle Game!
Target Grade: Grade 3 Upwards (Teens & Adults love it too)!
Target English: Left, right, forwards, backwards, up, down
Preparation: two Star Wars masks, cloaks and Lightsabers
This is a cool game to play after you have done the Left & RightΒ lesson.
The English is quite tricky and the props used make the kids really genki so if they don’t know the English perfectly it’ll just turn into chaos!!! So, practice the English and then….
1. Split the class into 4 teams. Clear the desks to the back and put one team in each corner.
2. Tell them to Janken amongst the team members to find out who goes first. If any kids don’t want to become the main players then that’s OK!
3. Two teams play at once. One person from one team dresses up as Obi-Wan Kenobi and one member from the other team dresses up as Darth Maul (or Darth Vader or Kylo Ren etc.). They each have an inflatable Lightsaber.
4. When you say “GO!” the teams have to shout out which direction they want their character to go – “go left, right, back, forward” etc.
5. When they are in reach of the opponent, they can shout out “Hit!” and their team member must hit the other teams character on the head!! If they do they win!
6. They winning team stays on, and one of the other teams takes the loser’s costume and Lightsaber.
7. Repeat from 4

The costumes REALLY look realistic – and the kids think it’s great!!!!!
The game can get very noisy, so sometimes I assign one person in the team as the designated shouter and the other members whisper the instructions to this person.
If any kid feels uncomfortable about wearing the costume (after all they can’t see!) then that’s OK – DON’T force them! They can practice their English just as much by shouting the instructions!!!
You can also use this to introduce the new words “Star” (try adding “Star Jump” to the Warm Up game) “Wars”, “Light” and “Battle” – they know most of these words from video games!
One small point, from experience, Β check to make sure none of your schools have a “Hair Lice” warning out (putting cloths on their heads wouldn’t be a good idea!!)
Teaching the kids tactics is a good idea, for example saying “back, back, back!” to escape out of the way!
Also, to make sure they know the English give them a test! Tell them to close their eyes and give them instructions (e.g. “turn left, go back, turn right etc.). If they all know the English then they’ll all be facing the same way at the end!
This is a really cool game, a lot of preparation but really fun, with the masks it seems like you’re really in the movie!!!!
May the Force be with you!!!!