Wow, you all really like your grammar – thank you for all the comments the other day.Β  (And full marks for everyone who read the “rules” on how many to post. πŸ™‚ )

Colouring Worksheets

Finally I’ve had a lot of requests for colo(u)ring worksheets. Β So here you go, one each for skeleton soup, pirates & haunted house.

More printables to come tomorrow.

The question is, how do you find the time to do colouring in class when you have all that grammar to teach?

Be genki,


Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genkiβ€”fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

24 Responses to “Colouring Worksheets”

  1. Liza

    Yes please. I seem to have mislaid my download link to volume 11 .. can’t find it anywhere. And I’m sorry if this is posted on the website somewhere, but being a high tec dunderhead can you tell me how to update my GE usb stick with volume 12 .. I’ve downloaded all 3 links now I just need to know how to transfer it all on to the stick! Again, sorry if this is a repeat question.

  2. thino

    I like your videos.yeah, not one but all of them. I wish I could perform my teaching as actively as your one- tenths power to make my kids not only enjoy but also love English language. How to reach it? Many thanks for your videos and your illustration. Second to none!!!

  3. Gudrun

    Oh yes, please Richard, do put up the Vol. 11 discount one more time, as with everything going on, I missed it, as well! Would love to get it and add it to my Halloween themes.
    I’d appreciate it. Thanks.

  4. Gudrun

    Oooops, sorry, I actually meant Vol. 12… is there any chance at all for that one as well? πŸ™‚

  5. Sara

    Richard, I would really like a deluxe Vol. 11 CD as right now all I have are the mp3 songs as they were presented prior to the release of the official Vol. 11. I have the software for Vol. 11,, but I cannot take my computer into all my classes. Listening to the mini lesson on my iPod before class helps me to find the proper words to present the song. And the karaoke is very useful if I must change the items in the song to fit a lesson. I would really appreciate it if you would let us purchase the download CD versions at a discount….and the software versions as well as some teachers missed out on the previous chance. Thanks.

  6. Margit


    Cool menubar!!! Interesting that you chose to go from right to left ~any strategic reason for this???!

    Anyway I think it will help a lot to refer while reading or writing here.

    (I’m so used to the other menubar though ! So I was relieved when I figured out you hadn’t changed all of them!)

  7. Rai

    Hi Richard,
    Are your colouring worksheets meant exclusively for vip members? I really liked them but unfortunately I am not a vip member. Yes the discount to vol 11 would be great as well access to some flashcards would be lovely. The huge discount to vol 12 was a huge help and I am using actively in my class. They love it.

  8. Suzanne

    Yes, please. I’d appreciate it if you offered a discount on the vol 11 download.

    Or how about if you offered a Super Duper Dynamic Duo Double Discount Deal for anyone who buys BOTH vol 11 and vol 12 downloads? I downloaded the beta vol 12, but I might be willing to actually BUY the updated version if you offered a great discount for both!

  9. richard

    @Suzanne: Nice name! I never thought of a joint pack. It might be possible to do. Anyone else interested?

    @Rai: Yes, the worksheets are VIP (i.e. full download pack) exclusives. But seeing as you asked so nicely, check your email!

    @Margit: Thanks for the comments! Yeah, people read left to right so the newest ones are there! Is it not a good idea to put it on the rest of the site?

    @Sara: I *finally* figured out what deluxe means! With the mini lessons, karaokes etc. yeah? Cool, no problem all, the individual downloads have the full CD worth of mp3s too. They’ve all been professionally mastered too so the songs also sound way better than the early demos!

    @Gudrun: The special offers only work if they are for a really short period of time and not repeated. But … Suzanne’s idea is a good one. And Gudrun, seeing as you are in the Homework Programme we can just add it on to there – shoot me an email!

    @Thino: The trick is that all the energy comes from the kids. Light the spark with a good warm up, or one of the songs and from then on the kids just give you all the energy you’ll ever need!

    @Liza: I’ll shoot you off your vol.11 links now. With the menu upgrades, have a look at the “readme” file in the upgrade folder. It should, fingers crossed, walk you through how to do it!

    Cool, keep the comments coming everyone, I’ll keep getting back to them whilst I’m working through my mountain of email! πŸ™‚

  10. mariasoledadurquillo

    Por favor no nos desampares Richard, pues gracias a Genki English la preparaciΓ³n de mis clases y mis clases son muy ligeras, entretenidas y sobre todo divertidas, mi alumnos aman a BABY monkey. Gracias y plis no dejes de obsequeiarnos y de rebajar los costos de los CDs. Gracias saludos desde MΓ©xico.

  11. dan burgess

    Hi Richard, Dan from Quebec here.

    Firstly, YES!! I WOULD be interested in a super-duper discount on both vol. 11 and 12. My clientele is not at all interested in haloween, christmas, valentines day, or other celebrations because it’s not a part of their beleif structure and they don’t celebrate them. But those pirates with the colored beards. . . MUST HAVE! ! ! (Not to mention where’s the spider.) So by offering both vol.11 and 12 at a discount, I can incorporate the best of both into my teaching cirriculum.

    Also, I have a more general question: I ordered the download pack. I find it frustrating that I can’t pause the songs or the lessons when I want to explain or have the students repeat something. By putting them onto CD would it be possible to pause the songs? How would I go about doing that?


  12. richard

    Hi Dan,
    You could pause them with the CD, but… a much better ways is to use the “Words” section before the song. That way you can repeat as many times as you like! (And with some of them they do just to see the animations going round and round and round!!)

    Good choice on themes there, I’ve just – this second – uploaded new dominoes and dice for those two!

  13. dan burgess

    Great! Actually, I do use the words section. (My little guy likes to get all the words to sound at the same time by running the mouse up and down the word list. It IS pretty cool the first time you try it. . . ) But when I start playing the song, they kind of get their eyes glued to the computer screen and don’t try and sing the song. I’d like to play a part of the song, pause, get them to repeat, and continue on to the next part.

    How can I copy my download pack onto CD’S?


  14. richard

    Hi Dan,

    Repeating with the actual music version takes away a lot of the excitement, so what it sounds like what you need is the “Mini Lesson” That’s where I go through the song, line by line, before we do the music. We always find it’s better to keep the actual music until the kids have got the English, that’s when you get the “Rolling Stones Rock Concert” (TM) effect and they start singing their heads off!

    There should be a folder (or 3!) with the full 11 CDs worth of mp3s in the download pack. Shoot me an email if you can’t find it!

  15. dan burgess

    Oh yes! I just found them. Thanks! Dan

    P.S. I still would like a super-duper deal on vol. 11 and 12 package. . . Pleeeease ? ? πŸ™‚

  16. Niamh

    Hi Richard,
    I’ve purchased Vol 12 last week and would definately be interested in an offer for Vol 11. I somehow managed to miss out on this one…

    P.S. Good work on Vol 12 – the kids are going to love it…

  17. Steve

    Yes, a discount on Vol.11 would be great Richard, loving VOl.12 and so are the kids. Great way to teach and learn!

  18. Rai

    Thank you Richard, you are indeed very generous. You have no idea how much of help such discounts and access to your materials are. Especially for teachers like us who cant convince the schools enough and have to fork out on our own. My students are very motivated to learn ever since I started using your method and it inspires me to give them more.

  19. Liliana

    Hi Richard!

    Yes, it would be fantastic of you to make that discount on vol.12!

    Anyway, I would like to purchase volumes 10,11 and 12. Is there any chance to make a discount on these alltogether.
    I have all the others, my lessons are a success, I have more and more students each year, since I got your nine wonderful cds and the material is awesome, my students love everything I take to class and parents are amazed on how easily their kids can speak English. THANK YOU, Richard!:)

    Liliana, from Portugal

  20. kolinda

    Yes please, yes please…….I simple adore your work, and my kids too…they can’t wait to start a new game…yes please, yes please, yes please…:=)

  21. Amy

    Hey Richard! A big thanks for the offers on volumes 11 and 12- IΒ΄m looking forward to starting my classes next week and am excited for these new themes. I was wondering how do I go about getting volumes 6-10. I originally ordered the vip download pack a few years back that included all the first 5 volumes but I guess I was too busy teaching these to notice how to get all the downloads for the next volumes. Can you please tell me how I can go about getting the volumes I am missing?? THanks so much!! The kids here in Spain are Genki thanks to you!!

  22. richard

    Hi Amy,

    That’s been a very popular question this week!

    Keep tuned in, I’m working on something that might work out soon….

    P.S. For the time being, check out the VIP forum for some updates too!

  23. Amanda

    Thanks for the coloring sheets.

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