You want games? We got games! + Mido’s book is here!


*** This Offer Has Now Finished ***

Thank you to everyone who participated.
I'm very grateful and very proud of you all.
VIP Members please feel free to use the materials below.
And check the blog soon for a full report.

Along with Phonics, Games are one of the most popular parts of Genki English.  After the songs they are what gets the kids really good and confident with their new found English skills.

And have we got you covered!

There are loads of free ones on the Games Page of the site to get you started. Yep, no money, all free.

But of course when you become a Download Pack owner – and you know you want to – you get the real goodies!

Just look at what you are missing out on…

The “Manual”

The creme de la creme, the elite,  from an educational point of view the best and most efficient games for getting your kids fluent as quickly as possible:   the Genki English “Manuals”



These have all my best games for each and every lesson.  These are the ones we use in schools where we measure every aspect of the kids’ ability to make sure they are really improving.

They are also zero preparation, which I know always helps.

One is the regular version, the other is a more step by step version for newer teachers.

Plus Even More Games in my Top 50 Games eBook

But of course not all classes are the same, and having extra tools in your arsenal is always a good thing.

We want you to be teaching ninjas, with all the little samurai tricks and tips to conquer anything in your path.  You’ll find all these extras is my Top 50 Games eBook. There are also a ton of very cool review games for end of term or hot parties!

Plus your Shameless Bribe Number 2:
BRAND NEW* Mido Farid’s Fun with Mido book of Games!

Yes it’s here!

As an extra totally shameless bribe to get you to buy the Download Pack before Friday  – so that I can give all the money to the Red Cross – here for your viewing pleasure is the first version of Mido’s brand new ebook!

Mido’s games have been super hits on the blog and believe me you aint seen nothing yet, he has got so many super cool ideas in this book.

All Mido’s hottest games are all here – Danger Island – Easter Bunnies – Mountain Climber – Witches Brew + loads more, all the ones you’ve been waiting for.

I’ve still got extra pictures to add and I’m sure there are dozens of typos, but I just wanted to get this out to you now – super hot off the presses!

Please tell me what you think in the comments below!

But – it’s only going to be up for a limited time.  You need to get it now. Just imagine if you missed out!

Plus you want a full Phonics course?

Genki Phonics Workbook

Of course when you become a Download Pack owner you also get access to my full phonics programe.

This isn’t just a collection of worksheets, this is a fully structured programme to really get your kids to read.

Access is all included with the Download Teachers Pack

Thanks for all the classroom changing stories

Plus thank you to everyone for all your stories on how the Download Teachers Pack has changed your teaching. I’m certainly going to save them for the hard days when nothing seems to be going right! Please keep them coming!

Charlie in Austria wrote: I was asked to teach english at my children’s kindergarten in Austria 18 months ago. I have no formal training in either teaching or language…. but I decided to give it a go! I surfed the web and decided that Richard’s Genki English programme looked fun and offered an awful lot of material for the money. I am so glad that I invested in it. The english lessons were such a success that I was recommended to two other local kindergarten this year. All of the children love coming (apparently, that has never been the case before) and remember the songs really easily. Just last week one of the kindergarten teachers asked me why every teacher of whatever age child can’t understand that learning must be fun! Thank you Richard – your concept is brilliant and it is really amazing that you continue to give us access to new materials post purchase!

Lines in Spain wrote: If I were the Minister in education I would spend my money in buying genki english in order all Spanish schools could teach English in a fun way and the students would be happier and of course better English speakers.

Gen in Spain wrote: My students LOVE the songs and materials. They get good grades at school and have clear pronunciation. The parents LOVE seeing their children performing at Christmas and in Summer at mini-concerts. There are NO absentees in my classes-even when they have missed school that day. And the best bit? I can prepare classes in super quick time with the minimum of effort and what’s more when I’m having a less than Genki day myself these songs never fail to put a smile on my face.  BUY NOW – you will not regret it and you get an added bonus of doing good.

Danielle in France wrote: But Beware!! you’ll find yourself singing the songs all the time, they are soooo catchy!

You can find all the stories here:

Last 60 hours!

Ok, there are just 60 hours left before everything ends.

Just look at all these games – you don’t want to let your children go without do you?

Here’s the link to buy now.

Plus big shout outs to all the webmasters and bloggers who’ve sent out links – thank you!

Be genki,


P.S.  If you still haven’t told your friends, colleagues and everyone you know there’s still time.

P.P.S.  Tanya,  please get in touch! The email you ordered with bounced back.  We’re also still having problems with Hotmail & Yahoo accounts, please everyone just check in the spam folders!

P.P.P.S.  Just a few copies of the Advanced Genki English bonus are left.  You can find out more at but don’t use the links on that page to order.  Use the main Download Pack order page to get it for free!

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genki—fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

2 Responses to “You want games? We got games! + Mido’s book is here!”

  1. Mireille Merza

    I already bought the download pack,just *before* you decided to donate to help Japan!

    Can you possibly offer something ( such as the bonus materials you are offering ) to those of us who already have the download pack so we can donate to help Japan’s earthquake+tsunami victims and also get more Genki English materials ?

  2. richard

    Hi Mireille,

    Thank you for buying the pack. As you are now a VIP member then you can indeed download everything that I’ve been putting up this week.

    All the games, songs etc. etc. You don’t need to pay anything extra at all, but if it motivates to make a personal donation to the Red Cross then please do!

    Be genki,


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