How to get Richard to your town – it’s easy!

Here’s a very nice email from Margit, who organised a Genki English workshop in her town last year and liked it so much she’s doing another one this year!  Have a look here to see the sort of thing we do!

Many GE readers wrote in the comments that they would like to join a workshop, and asked about when Richard would come to their country.

I myself thought that I would have to go to Tokyo or Okayama or elsewhere (maybe even Germany, if I happened to be there, when a GE workshop was held) to join. It didn’t even come to my mind that I could ask Richard to come to Shiga to hold a workshop.  He’s so busy, even if I could gather a couple of people, it wouldn’t pay as much as he deserves…

But after meeting Richard first time last year in a workshop in Osaka I knew that all this was so simple minded, and that I was so wrong. It was beginning of August, and as it was just a half day and I had so many more things I wanted to learn, I organized my own workshop for September.

There was somebody in Mexico, somebody in Korea, and in France during the last two weeks writing that they would like to meet Richard. Maybe I can tell them from my side:
I’ve organized many things, but even small events in the neighborhood weren’t as easy to organize as this workshop with Richard. I’m pretty sure he would go anywhere if it covers the minimum of the costs. And :
…It is soooooo different from watching a teaching DVD from one of the GE workshops. It’s not only the content,~ but it’s the energy.
So, PLEASE anybody who would like to meet Richard, or join a workshop, just go ahead , gather a few people and rent a room and go for it!

Contact details are here and the workshop Margit has organised for 2010 is on July 24th.

Richard Graham

I'm on a mission to make education Genki—fun, exciting, and full of life! Genki English has now been researched by Harvard University and licensed by the British Council around the world. The results have been magical! Now I'm here to help you teach amazing lessons, with all the materials prepared for you, and to double your teaching income so you can sustainably help many more students in the future!

8 Responses to “How to get Richard to your town – it’s easy!”

  1. SallieC.

    I’m the one in Mexico who want Richard to come out this way. Richard, look up Pachuca, Hidalgo. About an hour from Mexico City. Real easy to fly into Mex. City and get to Pachuca. I’ll talk to some people. We’ve done it before with other guest speakers from other countries, so I’m confident I’ll be meeting you soon. 🙂

    By the way, I found out about wiimote 2 months ago and bought the necessary items (remote and smoothboard software). I wanted a smart board but knew I couldn’t afford one for my class in Mexico. Researched and look what exists! I bought it specifically for your Genki songs!

  2. Joe

    it was so exciting as I am now prepare for my own early children eductation work shop so it give me lots of support about it

  3. richard

    Hi Joe, next week I’ve got a post coming on how to do your own workshop!

  4. Margit


    if you have an idea, could you add something on how to APPEAL for my own workshop in that coming post, too?
    As “higher” people rather ignore me, and try to avoid having me do a workshop, I’m thinking of setting something up that teachers might come on their own will and cost. Just don’t know how to start and don’t have the courage yet.

  5. richard

    This is the tricky one! It’s also one of the reasons I’ll be doing my phd!
    Results tend not to pursuade higher ups, neither does word of mouth. But word of mouth does work very well for workshops you organise yourself.

    The only guaranteed thing I’ve found is to have a prestegious university or organisation organise the workshop! Then people tend to listen!

  6. Liza

    Hi, I organised the workshop Richard held here in Austria last year.

    In one of my many other lives I used to organize medical congresses. I can honestly say that organizing the workshop for Richard was was one of the easiest and nicest things I have done.

    For me it was also one of the most value-packed workshops I’ve attended and I’m still riding the motivational high I got from it.

  7. Samantha

    Please let me know if you ever hold a workshop in France! Bordeaux is beautiful and full of people who want to learn and teach English.

  8. Andrea Malova

    Hi Richard, have you ever been to Slovakia? Your teaching tips are incredible and your lessons must be really exciting. I wish our kids at school could spend at least one lesson with You.
    I am not qualified English teacher and know even at home with my little baby but at least 3times a week I watch and read your ideas and tips about teaching.
    You are doing really a GOOD JOB. BEST regards Andrea

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