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1. Nemo Game
2. New in Japan
3. And Finally...
Welcome back to school and to gently ease you back into the new term, here's
a very nice game to start the year with....
1. Game of the Month: Nemo Game
Whilst it's still warm outside, here's a very fun game for younger kids
to teach with
CD vol. 6's "Under the Sea" theme.
1. The kids mime swimming around in a circle in the middle of the class.
2. If you have lots of kids ( say 30 in a class) then have two or three
concentric circles, one inside the other. Each circle swims in opposite
3. The kids shout out "Nemo, Nemo, what can you see?"
4. The teacher, who is Nemo, looks outside the window and shouts out "I
can see a ...." plus one of the sea animals from the song.
5. Whilst still swimming the kids repeat the answer and do the mime.
6. Continue from 3.
7. But... if the teacher says "I can see a shark!". Two kids,
who were hidden outside, rush into the classroom from different directions.
8. The other kids all rush to touch the wall of the class, where they are
9. If any of them are tagged by the sharks on their way to the wall, they
are eaten and become sharks for the next round.
10. Continue from 3.
This is a great variation of the What time is it, Mr Wolf? game, and thank
you to the teachers in Nara for the inspiration. Just using the name "Nemo"
makes it really exciting for the kids.
For the first two sharks, it's good to get the "kids who've had too
much sugar for breakfast and are disturbing the class" to help out
as it keeps them under control.
The main point of the game is to get the kids over the "just words"
and into the "able to give answers to questions" style of lesson.
You can either play the game after singing the song, or try teaching the
"I can see a .." plus the shark and first three animals, then
play the game and introduce the new words as you continue the game. This
way you can end the lesson with the song which makes for a very big finish.
Picture cards are on the site at
2. New in Japan
If you've just just arrived in Japan ( or have friends that just have)
there are lots of interesting articles that you can find on the "Help
& Advice" page of the site:
What we are supposed to be teaching in elementary schools ( e.g. why reading /writing is not allowed).
A guide to your first day at school
One hour online video workshop to get some practical ideas under your belt.
Classroom Japanese - very useful and written in Roman letters as well as Japanese characters.
* Plus more detailed articles about
6th graders and
Special Needs classes
If you want to get a head start on your Japanese, head on over to the site where there are lots of online games to get the basics out of the
Enjoy your time here, it's going to be an amazing year.
4. And finally...
This was quite a short newsletter, but check back on the site as I'll be
doing the Halloween update over the next few weeks (it's that time of year
again). Things to look out for include Josh Katz' "Funky Mummy Game",
Mr Monkey's Magic Corner and some groovy new picture cards for the
Happy Halloween theme.
Be genki,
Richard J. Graham
The Genki way to Teach.
Primary School English Games, Songs and Activities
"There comes a moment when you realize that virtually anything is possible - that nothing is too good to be true."
Kobi Yamada
And if you like the ideas in this newsletter, please feel free to pass
it along to your friends!
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