Your Daily Dose of Genki English!

I don’t know if you’ve seen the new Harry Potter movie yet ( I got to see it in Imax 3D in Bangkok on Monday!), but there’s a new He...

After the success in Thailand ( you can’t ask for more than having Genki English in every primary school in the country), this week it’s o...

I’m really glad that I work with some great people in Thailand. Everybody is so helpful, really friendly and always super polite. But if I came ...

Genki English rule number 2: Losing means try again! And it doesn’t half apply in real life as well.. . Today I was supposed to be filming some ...

I noticed that they were having free Thai lessons on the beach today, so in my break I pretended I didn’t speak any Thai ( not too far from the ...

One of the reasons that Genki English is successful is not just because of the songs, games and projects, but because of the “I can do it!”...